
Introductory Chemistry: Atoms First (5th Edition) – Russo/Silver – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Steve Russo, Michael E. Silver
  • File Size: 53 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 864 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition
  • Publication Date: January 12, 2014
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 013391884X, 0321927117, 0321933230, 0321933281
  • ISBN-13: 9780133918847, 9780321927118, 9780321933737, 9780321933232, 9780321933287

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Michael E. Silver

Steve Russo

An atoms-first approach for introductory, preparatory, basic chemistry courses

Carrying through an atoms-first approach from the first 4 editions, and helping you focus on mastering the conceptual knowledge and quantitative skills you need to get a true understanding of chemistry, Russo and Silver’s Introductory Chemistry Atoms First 5th Edition (PDF) continues the tradition of relevance that makes it so effective. Now including MasteringChemistry® (sold separately), the leading online homework, assessment aand tutorial product with a demonstrated record of helping chemisty students quickly master concepts, this 5th Edition includes new opportunities for you to practice key concepts. MasteringChemistry provides seamless synergy with the text to create a dynamic learning program that enables you to learn both in and out of the classroom.

With Russo and Silver’s Introductory Chemistry 5e and MasteringChemistry, you get a complete teaching and learning program that gives you critical tools for ensuring a successful introduction to chemistry, including:

  • Features that demonstrate how relevant chemistry concepts are in students’ lives: A number of outstanding features that show chemistry as a fascinating science.
  • An emphasis on core concepts for solving quantitative and qualitative problems: Geta true understanding of introductory chemistry by using material that presents comprehension and problem solving as complimentary skills, rather than encouraging rote memorization.
  • An atoms-first approach to chemistry: Through an atoms-first approach used effectively in the previous four editions, you begin to learn starting from the building blocks of matter and progress to understanding complex concepts with a deep understanding from a logical point of view.
  • Personalized, interactive learning for achieving proficiency of the concepts with MasteringChemistry: Self-paced tutorials guide you through the textbook’s most challenging topics; provide immediate specific feedback, and reinforcement; and present varied content to keep you engaged and on track.

P.S we also have Russo and Silver’s Introductory Chemistry: Atoms First (5th Edition) test bank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This purchase only includes the Introductory Chemistry Atoms First 5th edition PDF eBook. Access codes or MasterChemistry is NOT included.