
Raven and Johnson’s Biology (11th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: Peter H Raven, George B Johnson, Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan Losos, Susan Singer
  • File Size: 238 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1408 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 11th edition
  • Publication Date: January 8, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1259188132, 1259668924
  • ISBN-13: 9781259188138, 9781259668920

A newer edition is also available. See below

Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $17.00.


George B. Johnson

Jonathan Losos

Jonathan Losos

Dr. Jonathan Losos is the  Curator of Herpetology at the Museum of Comparative Zoologya and a Monique and Philip Lehner Professor for the Study of Latin America in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. Professor Losos's research has focused on studying patterns of adaptive radiation and evolutionary diversification in lizards. The recipient of several awards including the prestigious Theodosius Dobzhansky and David Jordan Prizes for outstanding young evolutionary biologists, he has published more than 100 scientific articles.

Kenneth Mason

Dr. Kenneth A. Mason received his undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Washington, worked at the UC Berkeley, then pursued his PhD in Genetics at UC Davis. Mason has taught Microbial Genetics, Gentics, Microbiology, Introductory Biology, Advanced Molecular Genetics, and a Genetics Laboratory that he designed.

Peter H. Raven

Peter H. Raven

Dr. Peter H. Raven is the director of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Engelmann professor of botany at Washington University at St. Louis. He oversees the garden's internationally recognized research program in tropical botany, one of the world's most active in the conservation and study of imperiled tropical habitats. Professor Raven's botanical work and research in the area of tropical conservation have earned him numerous awards and honors, including a MacArthur Fellowship. He has written over 17 textbooks and more than 400 articles, and he is a member of the National Academy of Science and the National Research Council.

Susan Singer

Committed to Excellence in the Raven and Johnson’s Biology 11th Edition (PDF). This latest edition continues the evolution of Raven & Johnson’s Biology.

The best-selling author team is committed to continually improving the textbook keeping the college student and learning foremost. The integrated pedagogical features expand the biology students’ learning process and enhance their learning experience. This latest 11th edition of the etextbook maintains the clear accessible and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on scientific inquiry and evolution that have made this a leading etextbook for students majoring (or minoring) in biology. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a book that is student-friendly and current. Our author team is committed to producing the best possible biology textbooks for both faculty and student. The lead author Kenneth Mason from the University of Iowa has taught majors biology at 3 different major public universities for more than 15 years. Jonathan Losos from the Harvard University is at the cutting edge of evolutionary biology research and Susan Singer from Carleton College has been involved in science education policy issues on a national level. All three authors bring varied instructional and content expertise to this 11th edition of Biology.

Additional ISBNs: 978-1259668890, 9781260624335, 1259668894, 1260624331, 978-1259188138, 9781259668890, 978-1260624335, 978-1259668920

A newer edition is also available. See related ebooks below

P.S we also have Biology 11th Edition testbank, instructor manual, and other resources for sale. A newer edition is also available. Contact for more info.

NOTE: The sale only includes Peter Raven’s Biology 11e in PDF. No access codes included.