
Organic Chemistry (3rd Edition) – David R. Klein – eBook

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eBook Details

  • Author: David R. Klein
  • File Size: 93 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1344 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date: 5th December, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01NCJQ68U
  • ISBN-10: 1119110459, 1119110475
  • ISBN-13: 9781119110453, 9781119110477

Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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David R. Klein

David R. Klein

Dr. David Klein is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at The Johns Hopkins University where Dr. Klein has taught organic chemistry since 1999. Having worked with thousands of students, he has intense 1st hand knowledge of how they learn and the difficulties they encounter. David received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from The Johns Hopkins University and his PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles under the supervision of Professor Orville Chapman.

Motivated by his experiences teaching organic chemistry as a graduate student at UCLA, Dr. Klein wrote Organic Chemistry as a Second Language (John Wiley & Sons, 2004, updated 2nd edition published in 2008), which has become a highly valued student study resource. Dr. Klein has received numerous teaching awards at both Johns Hopkins and UCLA for his unique, skill-building approach to organic chemistry instruction. David is married, with 5 children, and enjoys skiing, scuba-diving, and Tae Kwon Do.

Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition (PDF) by David R. Klein is not merely a compilation of principles, but rather, it is a disciplined method of analysis and thought. Success in organic chemistry requires mastery in two core aspects: fundamental concepts and the skills needed to apply those concepts and solve problems. Students must learn to become proficient at approaching new situations methodically, based on a repertoire of skills. These skills are vital for successful problem-solving in organic chemistry. Existing ebooks provide extensive coverage of, the principles, but there is far less emphasis on the skills needed to actually solve problems.

Klein ‘s Organic Chemistry 3e – Additional ISBNs: 978-1119110453, 978-1119110477, 9781119338352, 1119338352, 978-1119338352, 978-1119340577, 9781119340577, 1119340578

NOTE: This is the eTextBook Organic Chemistry 3rd edition by David R. Klein in PDF. We also have the test bank for this eBook (sold separately). See below.