
Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach (3rd Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: Sharon Jensen
  • File Size: 124 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1024 pages
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health; 3rd US Edition
  • Publication Date: September 17, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07HFHW397
  • ISBN-10: 1496349172
  • ISBN-13: 9781496349170

Original price was: $97.50.Current price is: $15.00.

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Sharon Jensen

Develop the assessment skills and knowledge to excel in any clinical setting.

Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach, 3rd edition, (PDF) has been updated to reflect today’s changing healthcare environment, this unique and modern approach to health assessment guides you progressively through realistic clinical case scenarios, emphasizing health promotion, evidence-based thinking, risk factor reduction, and diagnostic reasoning. Effective strategies help you adapt techniques and questions to confidently manage communication challenges, changes in a patient’s condition over time, unexpected patient responses, and more.

Highlights of the 3rd Edition

Progressive Case Studies in each chapter help you capably apply concepts to clinical practice through:

  • Therapeutic Dialogue displays that hone the critical thinking and communication skills essential for gathering assessment data.
  • Documenting Case Study Findings boxes that summarize abnormal findings in the physical examination (determined through inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation).
  • Progress Note sections that provide sample SOAP (Subjective data, Analysis, Objective data, and Plan) notes documenting summaries of findings, with accompanying critical thinking questions.
  • Clinical Reasoning in Action sections that demonstrate how to bring all the elements of assessment together to determine nursing diagnosis and related goals, rationales, interventions, and evaluation criteria.
  • Collaborating With the Interprofessional Team displays that feature SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment or Analysis, and Recommendations) frameworks for effectively coordinating referrals or other patient advocacy needs.


  • NEW! Concept Mastery Alerts clarify potentially confusing topics.
  • Tables of Abnormal Findings facilitate effective, fast assessments.
  • Review Questions help you identify content requiring additional review.
  • Clinical Significance boxes emphasize content critically related to clinical application.
  • More than 70 NANDA-I Diagnoses with official definitions and defining characteristics
  • Learning Objectives focus on critical information and can help you study more effectively.
  • Key Points summarized at the end of each chapter reinforce the most important content at a glance.
  • Safety Alert boxes highlight areas of concern or results that require immediate intervention or adjustments.
  • Accompanying interactive learning resources such as videos and animations, referenced with icons in the textbook, appeal to a variety of learning styles.
  • NEW! Unfolding case-based vignettes written by the National League for Nursing place concepts in a realistic context and encourage classroom discussion.

NOTE: This sale only includes Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach, 3e in PDF. No online access codes come with the sale.