International Financial Management, 14th Edition – PDF ebook


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eBook Details:

Full title: International Financial Management, 14th Edition
Edition: 14th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Jeff Madura
ISBN: 9780357451106, 9780357130667
Format: PDF

Description of International Financial Management, 14th Edition:
Gain an understanding of theory and practical insights you need for success in international finance today with Madura’s best-selling INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14E. This reader-friendly approach builds on the fundamental principles of corporate finance to provide timely information and the understanding of managerial topics in a global environment necessary to prosper in international business. Clear explanations help you fully understand the important role of multinational corporations in global commerce. New content explores tradeoffs in international trade policies, the realities behind popular theories, multinational capital budgeting, barriers to entry in international markets, and the most recent changes internationally. Numerous examples, self-tests, hands-on exercises, and memorable real-world examples help you develop the skills and understanding necessary to perform at your best in international finance today.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Table of Contents of International Financial Management, 14th Edition PDF ebook:
Brief ContentsContentsDedicationPrefaceAbout the AuthorPart 1: The International Financial EnvironmentChapter 1: Multinational Financial Management: An Overview1-1 Managing the MNC1-2 Why MNCs Pursue International Business1-3 Methods to Conduct International Business1-4 Valuation Model for an MNC1-5 Organization of the TextSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 2: International Flow of Funds2-1 Balance of Payments2-2 Growth in International Trade2-3 Factors Affecting International Trade Flows2-4 International Capital Flows2-5 Agencies that Facilitate International FlowsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc., CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 3: International Financial Markets3-1 Foreign Exchange Market3-2 International Money Market3-3 International Credit Market3-4 International Bond Market3-5 International Stock Markets3-6 International Financial Market Crises3-7 How Financial Markets Serve MNCsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesAppendix 3: Investing in International Financial MarketsChapter 4: Exchange Rate Determination4-1 Measuring Exchange Rate Movements4-2 Exchange Rate Equilibrium4-3 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates4-4 Movements in Cross Exchange Rates4-5 Capitalizing on Expected Exchange Rate MovementsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 5: Currency Derivatives5-1 Forward Market5-2 Currency Futures Market5-3 Currency Options Market5-4 Currency Call Options5-5 Currency Put Options5-6 Other Forms of Currency OptionsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc., CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesAppendix 5A: Currency Option PricingAppendix 5B: Currency Option CombinationsPart 1: Integrative Problem: The International Financial EnvironmentPart 2: Exchange Rate BehaviorChapter 6: Government Influence on Exchange Rates6-1 Exchange Rate Systems6-2 A Single European Currency6-3 Direct Intervention6-4 Indirect InterventionSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesAppendix 6: Government Intervention during the Asian CrisisChapter 7: International Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity7-1 Locational Arbitrage7-2 Triangular Arbitrage7-3 Covered Interest Arbitrage7-4 Interest Rate Parity (IRP)7-5 Variation in Forward PremiumsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExerciseOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 8: Relationships among Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates8-1 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)8-2 International Fisher EffectSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesPart 2: Integrative Problem: Exchange Rate BehaviorPart 3: Exchange Rate Risk ManagementChapter 9: Forecasting Exchange Rates9-1 Why Firms Forecast Exchange Rates9-2 Forecasting Techniques9-3 Assessment of Forecast Performance9-4 Accounting for Uncertainty Surrounding ForecastsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 10: Measuring Exposure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations10-1 Relevance of Exchange Rate Risk10-2 Transaction Exposure10-3 Economic Exposure10-4 Translation ExposureSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 11: Managing Transaction Exposure11-1 Policies for Hedging Transaction Exposure11-2 Hedging Exposure to Payables11-3 Hedging Exposure to Receivables11-4 Limitations of Hedging11-5 Alternative Methods to Reduce Exchange Rate RiskSummaryPoint/Counter-PointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesAppendix 11: Nontraditional Hedging TechniquesChapter 12: Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure12-1 Managing Economic Exposure12-2 A Case Study on Hedging Economic Exposure12-3 Managing Exposure to Fixed Assets12-4 Managing Translation ExposureSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesPart 3: Integrative Problem: Exchange Risk ManagementPart 4: Long-Term Asset and Liability ManagementChapter 13: Direct Foreign Investment13-1 Motives for Direct Foreign Investment13-2 Benefits of International Diversification13-3 Host Government Impact on DFI13-4 Assessing the Feasibility of Potential DFISummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 14: Multinational Capital Budgeting14-1 Subsidiary versus Parent Perspective14-2 Input for Multinational Capital Budgeting14-3 Multinational Capital Budgeting Example14-4 Other Factors to Consider14-5 Adjusting Project Assessment for RiskSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesAppendix 14: Incorporating International Tax Law in Multinational Capital BudgetingChapter 15: International Corporate Governance and Control15-1 International Corporate Governance15-2 International Corporate Control15-3 Factors Affecting Target Valuation15-4 A Case Study of Valuing a Foreign Target15-5 Disparity in Foreign Target Valuations15-6 Other Corporate Control Decisions15-7 Corporate Control Decisions as Real OptionsSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 16: Country Risk Analysis16-1 Country Risk Characteristics16-2 Measuring Country Risk16-3 Incorporating Risk in Capital Budgeting16-4 Preventing Host Government TakeoversSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExerciseOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 17: Multinational Capital Structure and Cost of Capital17-1 Components of Capital17-2 The MNC’s Capital Structure Decision17-3 Subsidiary versus Parent Capital Structure Decisions17-4 Multinational Cost of Capital17-5 Cost of Capital Across CountriesSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExerciseOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 18: Long-Term Debt Financing18-1 Debt Denomination Decisions of Foreign Subsidiaries18-2 Debt Denomination Analysis: A Case Study18-3 Strategies to Hedge Foreign Financing18-4 Debt Maturity Decision18-5 Fixed-Rate versus Floating-Rate Debt DecisionSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesPart 4: Integrative Problem: Long-Term Asset and Liability ManagementPart 5: Short-Term Asset and Liability ManagementChapter 19: Financing International Trade19-1 Payment Methods for International Trade19-2 Trade Finance Methods19-3 Agencies that Facilitate International TradeSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExerciseOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 20: Short-Term Financing20-1 Sources of Foreign Financing20-2 Financing with a Foreign Currency20-3 Financing with a Portfolio of CurrenciesSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesChapter 21: International Cash Management21-1 Multinational Working Capital Management21-2 Centralized Cash Management21-3 Optimizing Cash Flows21-4 Investing Excess CashSummaryPoint/CounterpointSelf-TestQuestions and ApplicationsBlades, Inc. CaseSmall Business DilemmaInternet/Excel ExercisesOnline Articles with Real-World ExamplesPart 5: Integrative Problem: Short-Term Asset and Liability ManagementAppendix A: Answers to Self-Test QuestionsAppendix B: Supplemental CasesAppendix C: Using Excel to Conduct AnalysisAppendix D: International Investing ProjectAppendix E: Discussion in the BoardroomAppendix F: Use of Bitcoin to Conduct International TransactionsGlossaryIndex