
International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture (3rd Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: Robert D. Hisrich
  • File Size: 12 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 438 Pages
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date: July 6, 2015
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07D4S3MLQ
  • ISBN-10: 1483344398,1483392228
  • ISBN-13: 9781483344393, 9781483392226

Original price was: $69.60.Current price is: $17.00.

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Robert D. Hisrich

Robert D. Hisrich

Dr. Robert D. Hisrich is the Director of the Walker Center for Global Entrepreneurship at Thunderbird and the Garvin Professor of Global Entrepreneurship. Hisrich is also president of H&B Associates, a marketing and management consulting firm he has founded.

Robert (Bob) received his B.A. from DePauw University, his M.B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cincinnati, and honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Miskolc (Hungary) and Chuvash State University (Russia). Before joining Thunderbird, Bob held the A. Malachi Mixon, III Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. He was a Fulbright Professor at the International Management Center in Budapest, Hungary in 1989. In 1990-91 he was again named a Fulbright Professor in Budapest at the Foundation for Small Enterprise Economic Development, where he also held the Alexander Hamilton Chair in Entrepreneurship. Robert has held visiting professorships at: the Technical University of Vienna (Austria); the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); the Queensland University of Technology (Australia); The University of Puerto Rico; the University of Limerick (Ireland); and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He has authored or co-authored over 25 books, including Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a New Enterprise (translated into 9 languages), The 13 Biggest Mistakes that Derail Small Businesses and How to Avoid Them and Marketing. Bob has written over 300 articles on international business management, entrepreneurship, and venture capital, which have appeared in such journals as California Management Review, The Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Sloan Management Review, Columbia Journal of World Business, and Small Business Economics. 

Integrating comprehensive coverage with an extensive variety of real-life cases, International Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition, (PDF) gives you the tools you need to effectively launch international ventures in today’s hypercompetitive world.

Popular author Dr. Robert D. Hisrich assists students and entrepreneurs develop global business plans, choose international opportunities, and decide the best entry strategy. The text also includes practical considerations like legal concerns, global marketing, the global monetary systems, and global human resource management for entrepreneurs.

New to this 3rd edition:  

  • New profiles of global entrepreneurs throughout the world start every chapter to inspire readers and keep them busy with the material
  • New global case studies from the latest entrepreneurial ventures show the relevant application of the principles in the modern market
  • New coverage of Virtual Team includes tips on how to adopt virtual team collaborate and make the most of the effectiveness of virtual teams.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.