
Environmental Principles: From Political Slogans to Legal Rules (2nd Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: Nicolas de Sadeleer
  • File Size: 5 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 592 Pages
  • Publisher: OUP Oxford; 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: October 30, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B08M6CCB76
  • ISBN-10: 0198844352, 0192582674, 0192582666
  • ISBN-13: 9780198844358, 9780192582676, 9780192582669

Original price was: $94.05.Current price is: $15.00.

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Nicolas de Sadeleer

Environmental Principles, 2nd Edition, (PDF) traces the evolution of environmental principles from their origins as indefinite political slogans reflecting doubts about environmental hazards to their personification in enforceable laws. Environmental law has always reacted to risks posed by industrial society but the new generation of risks has needed a new set of environmental principles, developing from a combination of public fears, ethics, science, and established legal practice.

This ebook shows how three of the most important principles of modern environmental law were raised out of this new era of ecological risk: the polluter pays principle, the preventive principle, and the precautionary principle. After the first edition was published, the principles of polluter-pays, prevention, and precaution have been condensed in a band of legislation at the domestic and international levels. Courts have been raising environmental law principles in an extensive range of cases, on issues including GMOs, conservation, waste, investment, and climate change. As a result, more States are paying attention to these principles as catalysts for improving their environmental laws and regulations.

This edition of Environmental Principles: From Political Slogans to Legal Rules will merge to a greater extent the relationship between environmental principles and human rights. The ebook evaluates new developments including the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, which has constantly carved out environmental duties from a number of rights preserved in the European Convention of Human Rights, and the implementation of the UNECE Convention on Access to Information.


All in all, the ebook Environmental Principles: From Political Slogans to Legal Rules 2nd edition, Nicolas de Sadeleer is a very helpful and exhaustive source of information for any environmental lawyer. The environmental principles are understood in such a way to make them an important basis to strengthen environmental law. The ebook makes the reader think in different ways and is an invitation to leave conventional legal pathways.” — Gerhard Roller, Environmental Law Network International Review

De Sadeleer’s ebook is not only a must-have reference for someone wishing to deal with the subject matter but also has the capability of giving food for thought on a number of topics. The author carves out a system of principles including the whole discipline of environmental law, which was missing up till now. After reviewing the several principles in the literature and in the case law, De Sadeleer dives in particular into three of them, the polluter-pays, prevention, and precaution, which, in his view, affected the fragmentation of environmental law.” — Stefano Nespor, Rivista giuridica dell’Ambiente

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Environmental Principles 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.