
Calculus For Biology and Medicine (3rd edition) – eBook

Product details

  • Series: Calculus for Life Sciences Series
  • Author: Claudia Neuhauser
  • File Format: PDF
  • Size: 14 MB
  • Length: 840 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 3rd edition (January 13, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00I7YV39S
  • ISBN-10: 0321644689
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321644688

Original price was: $139.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Claudia Neuhauser

Claudia Neuhauser

Dr. Claudia Neuhauser is Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Director of the Center for Learning Innovation at the University of Minnesota, Rochester. She is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor. Claudia received her diploma in Mathematics from the Universität Heidelberg (Germany), and a PhD in Mathematics from Cornell University. Before joining UMR in July 2008, she was Professor and Head in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, and a faculty member in maths departments at the University of Southern California, University of Wisconsin—Madison, University of Minnesota, and University of California, Davis. Dr. Claudia’s research is at the interface of evolution and ecology. She investigates effects of spatial structure on community dynamics, in particular, the effect of competition on the spatial structure of competitors and the effect of symbionts on the spatial distribution of their hosts. In addition, her research in population genetics has resulted in the development of statistical tools for random samples of genes. In her role as Director of the Center for Learning Innovation at the University of Minnesota Rochester, Claudia is responsible for the development of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences. In her spare time, Dr. Neuhauser enjoys riding her bike, working out in the gym, and reading philosophy and history.

Calculus for Biology and Medicine, 3rd Edition, addresses the needs of students in the biological sciences by showing them how to use calculus to analyze natural phenomena — without compromising the rigorous presentation of the mathematics. While the table of contents aligns well with a traditional calculus textbook, all the concepts are presented through medical and biological applications. The textbook provides students and readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze and interpret mathematical models of a diverse array of phenomena in the living world. This textbook is suitable for a wide audience, as all examples were chosen so that no formal training in biology is needed.

P.S we also have Calculus For Biology and Medicine (3rd edition) testbank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.