
Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data (4th Global Edition) – eBook

For courses in introductory statistics.

eBook Details

  • Authors: Christine A. Franklin, Bernhard Klingenberg, Alan Agresti
  • File Size: 42 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 817 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 4th edition
  • Publication Date: January 4, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292164778
  • ISBN-13: 9781292164779

Original price was: $59.49.Current price is: $17.00.

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Alan Agresti

Alan Agresti

Dr. Alan Agresti is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. He has been teaching statistics there for over three decades, including the development of three courses in categorical data analysis and three courses in statistical methods for social science students. He is author of over 100 refereed article and four textbooks including "Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning From Data" and "Categorical Data Analysis."

Alan is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science from De Montfort University in the UK. He was named "Statistician of the Year" by the Chicago chapter of the American Statistical Association and in Dr. Agresti was the first honoree of the Herman Callaert Leadership Award in Biostatistical Education and Dissemination awarded by the University of Limburgs, Belgium. He has held visiting positions at Boston University, London School of Economics, Harvard University, and Imperial College and has taught courses or short courses for companies and universities in about 20 countries worldwide. He has also received teaching awards from UF and an excellence in writing award from John Wiley and Sons.

Bernhard Klingenberg

Christine A. Franklin

Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data 4th Global Edition (PDF), takes a conceptual approach, helping college students understand what statistics is about and learning the right questions to ask when analyzing data, rather than just memorizing procedures. This ebook takes the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science in modern life and makes them very accessible, without compromising the necessary rigor. Students will enjoy reading this ebook, and will stay engaged with its wide variety of real-world data in the examples and exercises.

The Art and Science of Learning from Data – Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data – 4th Global edition – PDF eBook

The authors believe that it’s important for university students to analyze and learn both categorical and quantitative data. As a result, the textbook pays greater attention to the analysis of proportions than many other introductory statistics textbooks. Concepts are introduced first with categorical data, and then with quantitative data.

P.S we also have Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data (4th Edition) testbank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This sale only includes Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data 4e (Global) in PDF. No access codes are included in this purchase