
STAT2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA (2nd Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Ann R. Cannon, George W. Cobb, Bradley A. Hartlaub, Julie Legler, Robin H. Lock, Thomas L. Moore, Allan J. Rossman, Jeffrey A. Witmer
  • File Size: 40 MB
  • Format: PDF (converted)
  • Length: 624 pages
  • Publisher: W.H. Freeman; 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: November 5, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07K6Y99J3
  • ISBN-10: 1319054072, 1319056970
  • ISBN-13: 9781319054076, 9781319056971

Original price was: $136.99.Current price is: $18.00.

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Allan J. Rossman

Ann R. Cannon

Bradley A. Hartlaub

George W. Cobb

Jeffrey A. Witmer

Julie Legler

Robin H. Lock

Thomas L. Moore

STAT2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA, 2nd edition, (PDF) introduces students to statistical modeling ahead of what they have learned in a Stat 101 college course or an AP Statistics course. Building on fundamental concepts and methods learned in that course, STAT2 encourages students to evaluate richer datasets that include more variables and address a wider range of research questions.

Apart from a working understanding of exponential and logarithmic functions, there are no prerequisites beyond the successful completion of their first statistics course. To assist all college students make a smooth transition to this course, Chapter 0 recalls students of basic statistical terminology and also uses the familiar two-sample t-test as a way to show the approach of specifying, estimating, and testing a statistical model.

Using STAT2, students will:

Go beyond their Stat 101 experience by learning to develop and apply models with both categorical and quantitative response variables, and with multiple explanatory variables. STAT2 Chapters are grouped into units that consider models based on the type of predictors and type of response.

Discover that the practice of statistical modeling involves applying an interactive process. STAT2 uses a four-step process in all statistical modeling: Choose a form for the model, fit the model to the data, evaluate how well the model describes the data, and use the model to address the question of interest.

Learn how to implement their developing judgment about statistical modeling. STAT2 introduces the idea of constructing statistical models at the very beginning, in a setting that students faced in their Stat 101 course. This modeling focus continues throughout the course as students face new and increasingly more complicated scenarios.

Evaluate and draw conclusions from real data, which is important for preparing students to use statistical modeling in their professional lives. STAT2 incorporates real and rich data throughout the text. Using real data to address genuine research questions helps encourage students to study statistics. The richness stems not only from interesting contexts in a variety of disciplines, but also from the multivariable nature of most datasets.

Additional ISBNs: 9781319209506, 978-1319209506, 978-1319054076, 978-1319056971

NOTE: The product includes the ebook, STAT2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA 2nd edition in a converted PDF. Page numbers and formatting may not match the physical book. No access codes included.