
Programming and Problem Solving with C++: Comprehensive (6th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Nell Dale, Chip Weems
  • File Size: 73 MB
  • Format: ePub (converted PDF available on request)
  • Length: 1086 pages
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 6th Edition
  • Publication Date: March 6, 2013
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00UNYX7R6
  • ISBN-10: 1449694268, 1284076598
  • ISBN-13: 9781449694265,  9781284076592

Original price was: $103.97.Current price is: $15.00.

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Chip Weems

Nell Dale

Nell Dale

Dr. Nell B. Dale earned a B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Houston, a M.A. in Mathematics, from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas, Austin. Professor Dale has been on the faculty at the University of Texas, Austin since 1975. She teaches occasionally but concentrates on writing, computer science education, traveling, and tennis.

The popular Programming and Problem Solving with C++, 6th Edition(ePub/PDF) remains the flawless introduction to C++, object-oriented programming, and software development available. Well-known author team Nell Dale and Chip Weems are careful to include all topics and rules put forward by the ACM/IEEE to make this textbook ideal for the one- or two-term CS1 course.

Their philosophy focuses on making the difficult concepts of computer science programming accessible to all students while keeping the breadth of detail and topics covered.

Key Features: –

  • The coverage of advanced object-oriented design and data structures has been moved to later in the text.
  • Introduces C++ language constructs in parallel with the suitable theory so students see and understand its practical application.
  • Provides the highly successful brief and student-friendly writing style that is a trademark for the Dale/Weems textbook series in computer science.
  • Instructors are offered all the solutions to the exercises in the textbook, the source code, a TestBank, and PowerPoint Lecture Outline organized by chapter.
  • A complete package of instructor and college student resources include a student companion website comprising all the source code for the exercises and programs in the textbook, extra appendices with C++ reference material and additional discussion of topics from the text, and a comprehensive digital lab manual in C++.
  • Strong pedagogical elements, a symbol feature of Dale/Weems’ successful hands-on teaching approach, include Problem-Solving case studies, Software Maintenance case studies, Testing & Debugging exercises, Exam Preparation exercises, Programming Problems, Programming Warm-up exercises, Demonstration Projects, and Quick Check exercises.

NOTE: The product includes only the ebook, Programming and Problem Solving with C++, 6th Edition in original ePub format. A converted PDF is available on request. No access codes are included.