
Operations and Supply Chain Management 16th Edition – PDF ebook

Operations and Supply Chain Management 16th Edition – PDF ebook Copyright: 2021, Edition: 16th, Author: F. Robert Jacobs, Richard Chase, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Print ISBN: 9781260238907, etext ISBN: 9781260706420, Format: PDF

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F. Robert Jacobs

F. Robert Jacobs

Dr. F. Robert Jacobs is Chase Faculty Fellow Professor of Operations Management at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He got his B.S. in Industrial Engineering as well as Computer and Information Science, an MBA, and a Ph.D. in Operations Management from The Ohio State University.

Richard Chase

Richard Chase

Professor Richard B. Chase is Director of the Center for Operations Management Research and Education at USC. He is widely published in both ebooks and academic journals and is considered one of the top service "gurus" in the field. Chase is on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Operations Management, an Advisor to Production and Operations Management journal, and a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute.

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eBook Details:

Full title: Operations and Supply Chain Management 16th Edition
Edition: 16th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Author: F. Robert Jacobs
ISBN: 9781260238907, 9781260706420
Format: PDF

Description of Operations and Supply Chain Management 16th Edition:
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 16e is a comprehensive breadth of Operations Management and Supply Chain, with a moderate emphasis on quantitative coverage. It covers relevant and current Operations Management issues with a focus on economic and global economy, analytics content that ties decisions to relevant data using math models, and appropriate strategies to solve real world problems. This sixteenth edition demonstrates what companies are doing to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace and also provides students with a set of more applicable skills and tools. Hot topics in business today that relate to operations and supply chain management are reducing the cost of supply chain processes, integration and collaboration with customers and suppliers, sustainability, and minimizing the long-term cost of products and processes. These hot topics are studied in the book to clarify the “big picture” — What these topics are and why they are important to business today.