
Keeping the Republic: Power and Citizenship in American Politics, The Essentials (9th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Christine Barbour, Gerald Wright
  • File Size: 21 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1759 pages
  • Publisher: CQ Press; 9th edition
  • Publication Date: November 23, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1544326068, 1544392974,1544352948
  • ISBN-13: 9781544326061, 9781544392974, 9781544352947

Original price was: $69.60.Current price is: $17.00.

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Christine Barbour

Christine Barbour

Dr. Christine Barbour teaches in Indiana University's Political Science Department and the Hutton Honors College, where she has become increasingly interested in how large-class teachers can maximize what their students learn. She is collaborating with online course designers to develop an online version of her Intro to American Politics course.

Professor Barbour has been a Lilly Fellow at Indiana University, where she worked on a project to increase student retention in large introductory courses, and a member of the Freshman Learning Project, a university-wide effort to improve the first-year undergraduate experience. She was a member of the New York Times College Advisory Board, where she collaborated with other educators to find ways to incorporate newspaper reading into the undergraduate curriculum. She has received several teaching awards, but the two given to her by her students mean the most to her: the Indiana University Student Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Faculty and the Brown Derby Award from the Indiana University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Professor Barbour enjoys playing with her dogs, traveling with her coauthor, and writing about food when she is not teaching or writing textbooks.
She is the Bloomington-based Bloom Magazine's food editor and the coauthor of Indiana Cooks! and Home Grown Indiana.

Gerald Wright

Keeping the Republic, 9th Edition, (PDF) provides students the power to examine the narrative of what′s going on in American politics, differentiate fact from fiction and balance from bias, and affect the message through informed citizenship.

Keeping the Republic 9e draws learners into the study of American politics, showing them how to think analytically about “who gets what, and how” while discovering the twin themes of power and citizenship. Students are pushed to deliberate how and why institutions and rules determine who loses and who wins in American politics, and to be savvy consumers of political information.

The comprehensively updated 9th Edition considers how a key component of power is who controls the information, how it is collected into narratives, and whether we come to identify fact from fiction. Citizens now have unparalleled access to power – the ability to make and share their own narratives – while at the same time being even more susceptible to those trying to shape their views. The current political landscape gives us new ways to retain the republic, and some advanced ways to lose it.

All through the text and its features, authors Gerald Wright and Christine Barbour show students how to effectively implement the critical thinking skills they develop to the political information they face every day. Students are challenged to review prevailing narratives and effectively employ the political power of the information age for themselves.

Revised with 2018 election results and analysis, in addition to the impact of recent Supreme Court rulings, ever-changing demographics, and emerging and continuing social movements Keeping the Republic: Power and Citizenship in American Politics, The Essentials 9th Edition is a much-needed resource to assist students make sense of politics in America today.

Keeping the Republic, The Essentials 9e is similar to the full version of the text, without the three policy chapters.

Keeping the Republic: Power and Citizenship in American Politics 9th Essentials Edition textbook content in a learning experience carefully designed to kindle student engagement and encourage critical thinking. Put together with you and your students in mind, it provides easy course set-up and allows students to better prepare for class.


Keeping the Republic, 9e is a concise read; has updated photos and images, plus a sizeable portion of historical events and images. This is a rounded ebook…The ebook does well by [integrating] a discussion of citizenship and its broader implication for the extant political culture.” — Kalu N. Kalu

“I consistently recommend the ebook to [associates] who are teaching American government for the first time. It is easy to use, and it offers all of the fundamentals that any college student would ever need to know. It is uncomplicated for students to read, and it challenges their predetermined notions about the world…”  — James W. Stoutenborough, Idaho State University

“The content is comprehensive and clearly broken into separate sections which convey concepts in a manner that students can emphasize on systematically…The ninth edition contains a remarkable amount of valuable information and I am happy about the magnitude of the content and the way the subject is organized… The ebook’s updated theme of power and citizenship and the ways the control of the political narrative has been transformed into political power and how it has shifted within the new social media is refreshingly timely.” — Paul Thomas Rabchenuk

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Keeping the Republic 9th Edition in a converted PDF. The page numbers and formatting will NOT match the physical book. No access codes are included.


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