
Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis (8th Canadian Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Srikant Datar, Madhav Rajan, Louis Beaubien
  • File Size: 679 MB (huge file. please save it to your computer/device)
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1010 Pages
  • Publisher: Pearson Canada; 8th edition
  • Publishing Date: April 9, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07R8HVQ9V
  • ISBN-10: 0134824687, 0134453735, 0134671546
  • ISBN-13: 978013482468, 9780134453736, 9780134671543

Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $16.00.

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Louis Beaubien

Madhav V. Rajan

Madhav V. Rajan

Dr. Madhav V. Rajan is the Professor of Accounting at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He is also a Professor of Law at Stanford Law School. From 2010 to 2016, he was Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and head of the MBA program at the Stanford GSB.

Dr. Rajan got his undergraduate degree in commerce from the University of Madras (India) and his MS, MBA, and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University. His dissertation won the Alexander Henderson Award for Excellence in Economic Theory.

Madhav’s primary area of research interest is the economics-based analysis of management accounting issues, especially as they relate to capital budgeting, internal control, quality management, supply chain and performance systems in firms. He has published his research in a variety of leading journals, including Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Journal of Accounting Research, and Review of Financial Studies. He is a coauthor of Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance.

Srikant M. Datar

Srikant M. Datar

Professor Srikant M. Datar is the Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, Senior Associate Dean for University Affairs and Faculty Chair of the Harvard University Innovation Labs. He previously served as Senior Associate Dean. A graduate with distinction from the University of Bombay (India), he received gold medals upon graduation from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. A chartered accountant, he holds two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.

Datar has published his research in leading marketing, accounting, and operations management journals, including Contemporary Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Accounting, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Management Science. He has served as an associate editor and on the editorial board of several journals and has presented his research to academic audiences and corporate executives in South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe. He is a co-author of three other books: Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads, Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance, and Rethinking Graduate Management Education in Latin America.

Cited by his college students as a dedicated and innovative teacher, Datar received the George Leland Bach Award for Excellence in the Classroom at Carnegie Mellon University and the Distinguished Teaching Award at Stanford University.

Horngren’s Cost Accounting  8th Canadian Edition (PDF) leads the market because of its strong emphasis on extensive real-world examples, decision-making, and details provided in a modular, flexible format, and is supported by a large range and quantity of assignment material. This textbook focuses on how cost accounting helps managers make better decisions by using financial and nonfinancial information better.

KEY TOPICS (Not in order):

An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes; The Accountant’s Vital Role in Decision Making; Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis; Activity-Based Costing and Management; Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting; Job Costing; Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: I; Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: II; Analysis of Cost Behaviour; Decision Making and Relevant Information; Income Effects of Denominator Level on Inventory Valuation; Pricing Decisions; Strategy, the Balanced Scorecard, and Profitability Analysis; Period Cost Application; Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Byproducts; Profitability and Cost Management; Revenue and Customer Profitability Analysis; Process Costing; Inventory Cost Management Strategies; Capital Budgeting: Methods of Investment Analysis; Transfer Pricing and Multinational Management Control Systems; Spoilage, Rework, and Scrap; Multinational Performance Measurement and Compensation


Appropriate for Introduction to Management Accounting Courses, especially for university/college students in Canada.

Horngrens – Additional ISBNs: 978-013482468, 978-0134453736, 9780134672168, 013467216X , 978-0134672168, 0134824687, 9780134824680, 978-0134824680, 978-0134671543

All Our Prices Are In US$

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