
Fraud Examination (6th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: W. Steve Albrecht, Chad O. Albrecht, Conan C. Albrecht, Mark F. Zimbelman
  • File Size: 403 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 696 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 6th edition
  • Publication Date: May 1, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1337619671
  • ISBN-13: 9781337619677

Original price was: $148.06.Current price is: $19.00.


Chad O. Albrecht

Conan C. Albrecht

Mark F. Zimbelman

W. Steve Albrecht

Learn to detect, identify, investigate, and prevent financial fraud today with the latest edition of Albrecht/Albrecht/Albrecht/Zimbelman’s Fraud Examination 6e (PDF). Develop excellent fraud detecting skills as you become a stronger and more skeptical document examiner, better interviewer, better technology user, and much more informed decision-maker. Carefully check, examine and gain a strong understanding of the different types of fraud and nature of fraud investigations today with numerous current business examples and many real-life / actual fraud cases, delivered first-hand from the authors’ vast experience.

Fraud Examination 6th edition presents today’s most essential and prevalent fraud concepts with an emphasis on the growing areas of cyber and ebusiness fraud. Significant discussion familiarizes you with forensic analysis as well as all the legal options for the victims of such fraud. A new discussion also highlights how experts use the latest technology to accomplish fraud, detect deceit, deception, and trickery, and avoid fraud.

P.S We also have the Fraud Examination 6th edition test bank and instructor’s manual (ISM), see related products below

P.P.S All our prices are in US$

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