
Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity, 2nd Edition – PDF eBook


Author: Mark Edberg
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Format: PDF
Print ISBN: 9781284226256, 1284226255
eText ISBN: 9781284277395, 1284277399
Edition: Second
Copyright: 2023

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Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity 2nd edition

With diversity, including cultural diversity, increasingly become the norm, it has become even more essential for students and those planning to work in public health to have more than a cursory understanding of the important cultural dimension of the human societies and groups with whom they’ll be partners. Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity: Understanding People, Reducing Disparities examines what is meant by culture and the ways which culture intersects with health issues, and explores how public health efforts can benefit by understanding and working with cultural processes. Using a range of conceptual tools and research methods, this textbook provides an overview of specific domains where culture and health intersect, including: varying definitions of health/well-being; understandings of health risk; illness causation and treatment theories (ethnomedical systems); healing/curing traditions; the relationship between health risk (vulnerability) and more.