
Essentials of Economics (7th Edition) – Sloman/Garratt – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: John Sloman
  • File Size: 18 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 504 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson/Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.; 7th edition
  • Publication Date: February 28, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292082240
  • ISBN-13: 9781292082240

Original price was: $60.41.Current price is: $17.00.

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Dean Garratt

Dean Garratt

Dr. Dean Garratt - After qualifying as a secondary teacher in 1993, he completed a PhD in the field of education before working in a variety of roles in HE for the last twenty years. This included 3 years at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), an 11 year period at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), and six and a half years at the University of Chester. In this time Dr. Garratt worked extensively on undergraduate education studies programmes both at LJMU and MMU and also developed and led several postgraduate programmes including an Economic and Social Research Council-approved Master of Research: Education and Society course at MMU, Master of Research at LJMU, MSc Research Methods and Masters in Teaching and Learning at the University of Chester. His experience as a qualitative researcher and work with postgraduate students (both research-focused and taught) together provided the opportunity for him to undertake a secondment as Director of the Graduate School and Associate Dean of Research at the University of Chester before moving to York St John.

John Sloman

John Sloman

Dr. John Sloman was Director of the Economics Network from its foundation in 1999 until 2012, and is now Visiting Fellow at the University of Bristol where the Network is based. Dr. Sloman is also Visiting Professor at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

The market-leading concise textbook in introductory economics, very popular in the United Kingdom.

This new market-leading Sloman’s Essentials of Economics 7th edition (PDF) has been updated with the most recent data and coverage of economic issues as the world tries to recover from global financial turmoil and looks at explanations of how consumers and firms really behave. Its classic features and engaging and clear writing style is complemented by strong theoretical coverage and a wealth of pedagogical features to support learning.

From the Back Cover

See Economics in Action!

In a world full of volatility, uncertainty, and conflicting approaches, this market-leading, a concise textbook in introductory economics looks at the key economic issues of today and helps you make sense of them. This edition has been updated with the most recent data and coverage of economic issues such as growth, the environment, unemployment, Brexit, and behavioural economics. Its classic features and clear, engaging writing style are complemented by a strong theoretical basis and a wealth of pedagogical features to support learning. Expect real-life examples, case studies, questions, and problems to guide your understanding.

Want to see economics in action? Visit the Sloman Economics News WebSite for a blog that’s updated several times a week with current affairs and topical stories all linked to your textbook so you can explore the background to the issues in more detail.

P.S we also have Essentials of Economics (7th Edition) testbank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This purchase only includes the Sloman’s Essentials of Economics 7e PDF. No online codes are included.