
Essentials of Business Communication (9th Canadian Edition)- eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Mary Guffey, Dana Loewy, Richard Almonte
  • File Size: 37 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 448 Pages
  • Publisher: Nelson Cengage Adapted; 9th edition
  • Publication Date: Jan. 22 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 017672124, 0176827145, 017672124X
  • ISBN-13: 978017672124, 9780176827144, 9780176721244

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Dana Loewy

Dana Loewy

Dr. Dana Loewy got an M.A. from Bonn University, Germany, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Southern California. She has been teaching business communication at California State University, Fullerton for over 20 years. She enjoys introducing undergraduates to business writing and honing the skills of graduate students in managerial communication. Concurrently, Dana has taught various German courses and has served as a guest lecturer at Fachhochschule Nürtingen, Germany. In addition to completing numerous brand-name consulting assignments, she is a business etiquette consultant certified by The Protocol School of Washington.

Fluent in several languages, including her native languages of Czech and German, Professor Dana has authored critical articles in many areas of interest, including translation, literary criticism, business communication, and business ethics. She has played an increasingly significant collaboration role with Dr. Guffey on recent editions of many books including Essentials Of Business Communication. Before co-authoring with Dr. Guffey, Dana worked as a professional translator for 25 years, during which time she provided subtitles for thousands of major feature films and movies. Dana also published various prose translations and poetry, most notably The Early Poetry Of Jaroslav Seifert and On The Waves Of Tsf. Very active in the Association for Business Communication, Dr. Dana Loewy focuses on creating effective learning and teaching materials for graduate and undergraduate business communication students.

Mary Guffey

Richard Almonte

With a focus on oral and written communication skills in our technologically improved workplace, Essentials of Business Communication, 9th Canadian Edition, (PDF) is designed to help college students attain confidence in their communication skills, better grooming them for both their academic careers and beyond. Our complete learning package is reinforced by three components: a textbook, an integrated workbook, and MindTap, our online digital platform. In our complete solution, we offer students with the instruction and guidance to comprehend how important and essential strong communication skills are for achievement in one’s career. Using real-life business instances, we bring the instruction to life and enable students to immerse themselves in an experiential learning environment. For teachers, we have a curated and well-developed site of additional resources that are built to back any course using our learning resources. Loewy, Guffey, Almonte: your authoritative and trusted brand in Business Communication!

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NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Essentials of Business Communication, 9e (Canadian Edition) in PDF. No access codes are included.


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