
Economics (10th European Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Michael Parkin, Melanie Powell, Kent Matthews
  • File Size: 27 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 832 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson
  • Publication Date: 13 Mar. 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292147822
  • ISBN-13: 9781292147826

Original price was: $46.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Kent Matthews

Melanie Powell

Michael Parkin

Michael Parkin

Dr. Michael Parkin is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Economics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Dr. Parkin has held faculty appointments at the University of Manchester, Brown University, the University of Essex, and Bond University. He is a past president of the Canadian Economics Association and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Monetary Economics and the American Economic Review and as managing editor of the Canadian Journal of Economics.

Michael Parkin’s research on microeconomics, monetary economics, macroeconomics, and international economics has resulted in over 160 publications in journals and edited volumes, including the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, the American Economic Review, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the Journal of MoneyCredit, and Banking. Professor Parkin became most visible to the public with his work on inflation that discredited the use of wage and price controls. He also spearheaded the movement toward European monetary union.

Using Parkin/Powell/Matthews’ Economics, 10th European Edition, (PDF), you can start to think like an economist!

Economics touches almost every aspect of life, from taxes to house prices, climate change to terrorism, wages, to how much time to spend studying! Thinking like an economist will enable you to evaluate economic policies, understanding basic human behaviour, and make much more informed decisions.

The leading economists in the news today started out like you, as college or university students taking a course in the principles of economics. Like them, you can learn to think like an economist, and this ebook, Economics 10th edition (European) will show you how.

This comprehensive revision retains the hallmarks of previous editions, with a thorough and detailed presentation of the principles of economics and on the development of your critical thinking skills. With the addition of new features, such as Economics in the News and At Issue, this new 10th edition uses real-world examples and applications to incorporate the latest developments in the UK and Eurozone policy.

New to this 10th European Edition:

  • *New feature* End-of-chapter worked problem supports learning by doing and offers an active review of the chapter
  • *Reimagined feature* All Economics in the News sections have been updated and emphasize solid coverage of real news
  • *Updated coverage* EU membership, healthcare, immigration, externalities, bank regulation, financial markets, cycles, inflation, the exchange rate, and deflation
  • *New feature* Every chapter starts with a real problem or question which is then developed through the Economics in the News section and additional end-of-chapter questions, supporting critical thinking development

P.S All prices are in US$

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Economics, 10th Edition (European) in PDF. No access codes or other media included.