Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology, 6th Edition – PDF ebook


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eBook Details:

Full title: Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology, 6th Edition
Edition: 6th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Cecie Starr; Christine Evers; Lisa Starr
ISBN: 9780357127544, 9780357127735
Format: PDF

Description of Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology, 6th Edition:
The Sixth Edition of BIOLOGY TODAY AND TOMORROW WITH PHYSIOLOGY helps students build critical-thinking skills they will use as responsible, science-literate citizens. Packed with beautiful art and current applications, the book’s straightforward writing style and chunked content help students grasp the fundamentals of biology without overwhelming them with detail. Content updates reflect current research, new technology and the social implications of both, while active learning tools are woven into the narrative and art.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Table of Contents of Biology Today and Tomorrow With Physiology, 6th Edition PDF ebook:
Brief ContentsContentsPrefaceAcademic AdvisorsStudent and Instructor ResourcesChapter 1: Invitation to Biology1.1 The Secret Life of Earth1.2 Life Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts1.3 How Living Things Are Alike1.4 How Living Things Differ1.5 The Science of Nature1.6 Analyzing Experimental Results1.7 The Nature of ScienceSummaryChapter 2: Molecules of Life2.1 A Big Fat Problem2.2 Atoms2.3 Chemical Bonds2.4 Special Properties of Water2.5 Acids and Bases2.6 The Chemistry of Biology2.7 Carbohydrates2.8 Lipids2.9 Proteins2.10 Nucleic AcidsSummaryChapter 3: Cell Structure3.1 Food for Thought3.2 What Is a Cell?3.3 Cell Membrane Structure3.4 Prokaryotic Cells3.5 Eukaryotic Organelles3.6 Elements of Connection3.7 The Nature of LifeSummaryChapter 4: Energy and Metabolism4.1 A Toast to Alcohol Dehydrogenase4.2 Life Runs on Energy4.3 Energy in the Molecules of Life4.4 Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways4.5 Diffusion across Membranes4.6 Membrane Transport MechanismsSummaryChapter 5: Photosynthesis5.1 A Burning Concern5.2 Overview of Photosynthesis5.3 Light Energy5.4 Light-Dependent Reactions5.5 Light-Independent ReactionsSummaryChapter 6: Releasing Chemical Energy6.1 Risky Business6.2 Carbohydrate Breakdown Pathways6.3 Aerobic Respiration6.4 Fermentation6.5 Food as a Source of EnergySummaryChapter 7: DNA Structure and Function7.1 A Hero Dog’s Golden Clones7.2 The Function of DNA7.3 The Structure of DNA7.4 Eukaryotic Chromosomes7.5 DNA Replication7.6 MutationsSummaryChapter 8: Gene Expression and Control8.1 Ricin, RIP8.2 DNA, RNA, and Gene Expression8.3 Transcription: DNA to RNA8.4 RNAs in Translation8.5 Translation: RNA to Protein8.6 Products of Mutated Genes8.7 Control of Gene ExpressionSummaryChapter 9: How Cells Reproduce9.1 Henrietta’s Immortal Cells9.2 Multiplication by Division9.3 Mitosis and Cytoplasmic Division9.4 Cell Cycle Control9.5 Sex and Alleles9.6 Meiosis in Sexual ReproductionSummaryChapter 10: Patterns of Inheritance10.1 Menacing Mucus10.2 Tracking Traits10.3 Mendelian Inheritance Patterns10.4 Non-Mendelian Inheritance10.5 Complex Variation in Traits10.6 Human Genetic Analysis10.7 Inheritance Patterns in Humans10.8 Changes in Chromosome Number10.9 Genetic TestingSummaryChapter 11: Biotechnology11.1 Personal Genetic Testing11.2 Working with DNA11.3 Studying DNA11.4 Genetic Engineering11.5 Editing GenomesSummaryChapter 12: Evidence of Evolution12.1 Reflections of a Distant Past12.2 Old Beliefs, New Discoveries12.3 Natural Selection12.4 Fossil Evidence12.5 Changes in the History of Earth12.6 Evidence in Form and Function12.7 Molecular EvidenceSummaryChapter 13: Processes of Evolution13.1 Farming Superbugs13.2 Alleles in Populations13.3 Patterns of Natural Selection13.4 Natural Selection and Diversity13.5 Nonselective Evolution13.6 Speciation13.7 Macroevolution13.8 PhylogenySummaryChapter 14: Prokaryotes, Protists, and Viruses14.1 The Human Microbiota14.2 Origin of Cellular Life14.3 Early Life14.4 Modern Bacteria and Archaea14.5 Origin of Eukaryotes14.6 Protists14.7 VirusesSummaryChapter 15: Plants and Fungi15.1 Fungal Threats to Crops15.2 Plant Traits and Evolution15.3 Nonvascular Plants15.4 Seedless Vascular Plants15.5 Rise of the Seed Plants15.6 Gymnosperms15.7 Angiosperms-Flowering Plants15.8 Fungal Traits and Diversity15.9 Ecological Roles of FungiSummaryChapter 16: Animal Evolution16.1 Medicines from the Sea16.2 Traits and Evolutionary Trends16.3 Sponges and Cnidarians16.4 Flatworms, Annelids, and Mollusks16.5 Roundworms and Arthropods16.6 Echinoderms and Chordates16.7 Fishes and Amphibians16.8 Escape from Water-Amniotes16.9 Primate and Human EvolutionSummaryChapter 17: Population Ecology17.1 Managing Canada Geese17.2 Characteristics of Populations17.3 Models of Population Growth17.4 Life History Patterns17.5 Human PopulationsSummaryChapter 18: Communities and Ecosystems18.1 Invasion of the Red Imported Fire Ants18.2 Community Structure18.3 Direct Species Interactions18.4 How Communities Change18.5 The Nature of Ecosystems18.6 The Water, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycles18.7 The Carbon Cycle and Climate ChangeSummaryChapter 19: The Biosphere and Human Effects19.1 Decline of the Monarchs19.2 Climate and the Distribution of Biomes19.3 Forest Biomes19.4 Grasslands, Chaparral, Deserts, and Tundra19.5 Aquatic Ecosystems19.6 Global Effects of Pollution19.7 Conservation BiologySummaryChapter 20: Animal Tissues and Organs20.1 Growing Replacement Parts20.2 Animal Structure and Function20.3 Epithelial Tissues20.4 Connective Tissues20.5 Muscle Tissues and Nervous Tissues20.6 Organs and Organ Systems20.7 Regulating Body TemperatureSummaryChapter 21: How Animals Move21.1 Bulking Up Muscles21.2 Skeletal Systems21.3 Skeletal Muscles21.4 How Muscle Contracts21.5 Fueling Muscle Contraction21.6 Exercise and InactivitySummaryChapter 22: Circulation and Respiration22.1 A Shocking Save22.2 Circulatory Systems22.3 Human Cardiovascular System22.4 The Human Heart22.5 Blood22.6 Blood Vessel Form and Function22.7 Cardiovascular Disorders22.8 Animal Respiratory Systems22.9 Human Respiratory FunctionSummaryChapter 23: Immunity23.1 Frankie’s Last Wish23.2 Integrated Responses to Threats23.3 Surface Barriers23.4 Mechanisms of Innate Immunity23.5 Antigen Receptors23.6 Adaptive Immune Responses23.7 Immune Malfunction23.8 VaccinesSummaryChapter 24: Digestion and Excretion24.1 Causes and Effects of Obesity24.2 Digestive Systems24.3 Digestive Structure and Function24.4 Human Nutrition24.5 Osmoregulation24.6 Kidney FunctionSummaryChapter 25: Neural Control and the Senses25.1 Impacts of Concussions25.2 Animal Nervous Systems25.3 Neuron Structure and Function25.4 Synaptic Transmission25.5 The Central Nervous System25.6 The Peripheral Nervous System25.7 The SensesSummaryChapter 26: Endocrine Control26.1 Endocrine Disrupters26.2 Hormone Function26.3 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland26.4 The Pineal Gland26.5 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands26.6 The Pancreas26.7 The Adrenal Glands26.8 Sex HormonesSummaryChapter 27: Animal Reproduction and Development27.1 Assisted Reproductive Technology27.2 Modes of Reproduction27.3 Stages of Animal Development27.4 The Human Reproductive System27.5 Bringing Gametes Together27.6 Human Development27.7 Birth and Lactation27.8 Fertility and Reproductive HealthSummaryChapter 28: Plant Form and Function28.1 Leafy Cleanup Crews28.2 Tissues in a Plant Body28.3 Stems and Leaves28.4 Roots28.5 Fluid Movement in Plants28.6 Patterns of GrowthSummaryChapter 29: Life Cycles of Flowering Plants29.1 Plight of the Honeybee29.2 Flower Structure and Function29.3 Sexual Reproduction in the Flowering Plant29.4 Seeds and Fruits29.5 Early Development29.6 Asexual Reproduction in Plants29.7 Plant Hormones29.8 Growth ResponsesSummaryAppendix I: Answers to Self-QuizzesAppendix II: Periodic Table of the ElementsAppendix III: A Plain English Map of the Human ChromosomesGlossaryIndex