
Financial Accounting (5th Edition) – Spiceland/Herrmann/Thomas – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: J. David Spiceland, Don Herrmann, Wayne Thomas
  • File Size: 53 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 784 Pages
  • Publisher:  McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 5th edition
  • Publication Date:  September 11, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN:  B07FW7Z1MQ
  • ISBN-10: 1259914895, 1260159655
  • ISBN-13: 9781259914898, 9781260159653

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Don Herrmann

J. David Spiceland

J. David Spiceland

Dr. David Spiceland is an ex-Professor at the School of Accountancy where he taught financial accounting at the graduate, undergraduate, and doctoral levels for over 35 years. David got his B.S. degree in finance from the University of Tennessee, got his MBA from Southern Illinois University, and earned his Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Arkansas. He also is a CPA.

Dr. Spiceland is a textbook author whose several books include the best-selling Financial Accounting, and Intermediate Accounting, both with McGraw-Hill. He has published articles in a variety of professional and academic journals. Professor Spiceland has received many college and university awards and recognition for his research, service, teaching, and technological innovations in the classroom.

Wayne Thomas

Wayne Thomas

Dr. Wayne Thomas is the Chair in Accounting at the University of Oklahoma, where he teaches intermediate accounting and introductory financial accounting. He got his BS in accounting from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, and his MS and Ph.D. in accounting from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Thomas has won many teaching awards at the college, university, and departmental levels, and has received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Oklahoma Society of CPAs. Professor Wayne is also a co-author on McGraw-Hill’s best-selling Financial Accounting, with Don Herrmann and Dr. David Spiceland.

His primary research interests are in markets-based accounting research, financial disclosures, financial statement analysis, and international accounting issues. Wayne has won several awards, including the American Accounting Association’s Competitive Manuscript Award.

Don Herrmann, David Spiceland, and Wayne Thomas, have developed an exclusive set of materials based directly on their combined years in the classroom. Financial Accounting, 5th Edition, (PDF) brought together best practices like highlighting Common Mistakes, providing frequent Let’s Review exercises, incorporating the course with a running Continuing Problem, proving the relevance of the course with real-world companies and decision analysis, and delivering it all in a student-friendly conversational writing style.

The authors have built a concise and well-organized learning framework to show students that accounting contains three major processes: measuring, analyzing, and communicating. By consistently tying every lesson into this framework, instructors can continue to improve student results.

After the proven success of the first four editions of Financial Accounting, the 5th edition, (PDF) will continue to motivate, engage, and challenge students. Combined with the market-leading power of the Connect platform, the Spiceland/Thomas/Hermann author team will truly clarify the financial accounting course for each student.

Additional ISBNs: 978-1259914898, 978-1260159653, 9781260161250, 1260161250, 978-1260161250, 126054432X, 9781260544329, 978-1260544329, 1260161250, 1260862879, 9781260161250, 9781260862874, 978-1260161250, 978-1260862874

P.S. Contact us if you want Financial Accounting 5e testbank or any other instructor resources.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Financial Accounting, 5th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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