
The Personality Puzzle, 9th Edition – PDF eBook


Author: David C. Funder
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Format: PDF
Print ISBN: 9781324060543, 1324060549
eText ISBN: 9781324060574, 1324060573
Edition: Ninth
Copyright: 2023

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Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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The Personality Puzzle 9E

Experience the pinnacle of reading and active learning in personality science with the 9th Edition of The Personality Puzzle. Renowned for its ability to inspire critical thinking around the science of personality, this edition delights readers with David Funder’s exceptional writing style.

The latest revision incorporates cutting-edge scientific research and relevant social media applications, highlighting the groundbreaking work of underrepresented psychologists. In a significant shift towards digital learning, this edition offers a new interactive ebook that fosters engagement through active learning activities.

978-1324060543, 978-1324060574

Students can explore their own personalities with online “Try for Yourself” surveys and enhance their comprehension through “Check Your Understanding” questions, which provide retrieval practice strategically placed throughout the text. The InQuizitive adaptive assessment tool further reinforces learning, employing research-backed methodologies to help students thoroughly integrate their newfound knowledge.