
Step Up to AP: Chinese Language, Culture, and Society, Textbook, Revised Edition, 2nd Edition – PDF ebook

Step Up to AP: Chinese Language, Culture, and Society, Textbook, Revised Edition, 2nd Edition – PDF ebook Copyright: 2021, Edition: 2nd, Author: Carol Chen-Lin, Dali Tan, Publisher: Cengage Learning Asia, Print ISBN: 9789814962230, etext ISBN: 9789814962247, Format: PDF

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eBook Details:

Full title: Step Up to AP: Chinese Language, Culture, and Society, Textbook, Revised Edition, 2nd Edition
Edition: 2nd
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning Asia
Author: Carol Chen-Lin, Dali Tan
ISBN: 9789814962230, 9789814962247
Format: PDF

Description of Step Up to AP: Chinese Language, Culture, and Society, Textbook, Revised Edition, 2nd Edition:
Step Up to AP is an all-new intermediate Chinese program designed for high school students taking the AP Chinese Language and Culture course. It covers one year of instruction and comes with a companion site ( offering additional resources. This revised edition features updated content as well as a full testing program featuring chapter tests to assess student learning.
Using the current developmental trends of contemporary China as its focal point, Step Up to AP situates China in the context of globalization to help students understand the interactions and relations between China and the world. Students will engage in a wide range of topics and gain knowledge of China’s role in important areas such as technology, economics, trade and business, climate change and green energy, literature and the arts, as well as the film industry. They will also learn about various aspects of contemporary Chinese society, including travel and transportation, urban and rural development, population and community, geography and ethnic diversity, endangered animals and wildlife conservation, health and wellness, sports and leisure, and science and technology.
In the realm of Chinese societal relationships, students will explore how the current family structure and the Internet influence the way individuals interact with family members and peers. The program also frames Chinese culture in literary and historical contexts by introducing students to Chinese literature, arts and philosophy, as well as significant persons and events in Chinese history. Through these topics, students will develop an awareness and appreciation of Chinese culture and society, in addition to gaining and enhancing their Chinese language proficiency.
Step Up to AP follows the journey of two American high school students as they embark on their study exchange and internship in China. Students examine the Chinese society and the issues it faces through the stories from their journey. The program offers nine units which engage students in an exploration of Chinese culture and society
in both contemporary and historical contexts. Each unit helps students deepen their understanding of Chinese cultural products, practices, and perspectives, and enhances their intercultural communicative competence.
The companion website ( hosts a range of resources to meet the needs of instructors and students. Instructors may download complimentary instructor resources including teaching suggestions, audio files, audio scripts, full answer key, as well as the testing program.
Table of Contents of Step Up to AP: Chinese Language, Culture, and Society, Textbook, Revised Edition, 2nd Edition PDF ebook:
TitleCopyrightPrefaceAcknowledgmentsContentsScope and SequenceUnit 1: ???? CHINA AND THE WORLD??WARM UPPart 1: ????????? (Connecting People and Cultures on the Silk Road)Part 2: ?????????? (Famous Chinese Explorer: Zheng He and His Voyages)Part 3: ???? (The Belt and Road Initiative)????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Chinese Geography and Ethnic Groups?????…… ? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Words Containing ??????????? ?????? READING COMPREHENSION: Along the Silk Road????? ?????? —— ????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Responding to an Email ???? I CAN DO!Unit 2: ?????? GETTING AROUND IN CHINA?? WARM UPPart 1: ????? (Subways and High-Speed Rail)Part 2: ????? (Didi and Uber in Their Ride-Hailing Race)Part 3: ???? (Bicycle Sharing: OFO and Mobike)????: ??????? ?????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Modes of Transportation i????? …… ?; ?????? ? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Words Containing?; Four-Ch????? ?????????????? READING COMPREHENSION: A High School Stud????? ?????—— ????? ????—— ?????? WRITING ???? I CAN DO!Unit 3: ???????? POPULATION, HOUSING, AND EMPLOYMENT?? WARM UPPart 1: ????????? (China’s Population Policy at a Crossroads)Part 2: ????????????? (The Challenges of Urban Housing)Part 3: ?????????? (Hardships and Dreams of Beijing Drifters)????????????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Family Planning ?????”?”?”?”????? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Words Containing ? and ???????????? READING COMPREHENSION: What an Only Child Is Troubled by????? ????? —— ??????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Preparing the Script ???? I CAN DO!Unit 4: ?????????? INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGES BETWEEN CHINA AND THE WEST?? WARM UPPart 1: ?????? (Studying Abroad in the Late Qing Dynasty)Part 2: ???????????? (Returned Students and China’s Path to Modernization)Part 3: ????? (Contributions of the Chinese to the World)?????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Young Chinese Studying in the United ?????????? ??????? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Loanwords; Exploring the O???????????? ??? READING COMPREHENSION: Famous Chinese American: Amy T????? ???????—— ??????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing a Blog E???? I CAN DO!Unit 5: ???? URBAN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT?? WARM UPPart 1: ????——????? (Life in Rural China)Part 2: ? SOHO ???????????? (SOHO: Urban Development and Cultural PreservaPart 3: ??????? (Mass Migration During Spring Festival)?????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: City Clusters in China and Around the?????”???” ?” ??” ? ??????? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Skyli???????? READING COMPREHENSION: Urban Problems????? ????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing a Movie Review???? I CAN DO!Unit 6: ??????? CHINESE LITERATURE AND ARTS?? WARM UPPart 1: ????——????? (Chinese Poetry: Reflecting the Times)Part 2: ???????????——??? (East Meets West: Contemporary Chinese PainPart 3: ??????????? (Chinese Elements in Hollywood Movies)?????????????? ????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Modern an???????? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Reduplicated Words and Phrases??????????—— ???????? READING COMPREHENSION: The Birth of an????? ??—— ????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing a Poem: Describing a Person o???? I CAN DO!Unit 7: ???? THE EARTH AND US?? WARM UPPart 1: ??????? (Endangered Animals and Their Conservation)Part 2: ?????????????? (Global Warming: An Unprecedented Threat)Part 3: ????? (Developing Sources of Renewable Energy)???????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Eco-Friendly Practices Around t????? ??????????? ????????????????????????2 0 7 0 ?????? ??? READING COMPREHENSION: Reflections on a????? ??????—— ?????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing Creative Text ???? I CAN DO!Unit 8: ????? TECHNOLOGY IN OUR LIVES?? WARM UPPart 1: ????? (Cashless Society in China)Part 2: ???? (Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Society)Part 3: ????????? (How the Internet Has Changed Our Lives)??????????? ??????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: The Use of H????? ?” ?” ?????? ?” ??” ?????????? VOC????????? READING COMPREHENSION: Face Recognition????? ???—— ???????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing an Essay – Towa???? I CAN DO!Unit 9: ??????? CHINA’S ECONOMY?? WARM UPPart 1: ????????——??????????????The Chinese Economy:Part 2: ????????? From E-Commerce to the New Retail Model of O2OPart 3: ?????????? From Made-in-China to Created-in-China?????????????? CULTURE ENRICHMENT: Hot New Trends in Health and Diet????? ???????? VOCABULARY BUILDING: Words Associated with the Economy?????????????? READING COMPREHENSION: The Corporate Culture of Alibaba????? ?????—— ??????? WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing Informative Te???? I CAN DO!Appendices1. ????? ?? ? Vocabulary Index (Chinese to English)ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ2. ????? ?? ? Vocabulary Index (English to Chinese)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ3. ??? Language Use