
Biology (11th Edition) – Solomon/Martin/Martin/Berg – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Eldra Solomon, Charles Martin, Diana W. Martin, Linda R. Berg
  • File Size: 322 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1408 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 11th edition
  • Publication Date: January 2, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B079Q81PLS
  • ISBN-10: 1337392936
  • ISBN-13: 9781337392938

Original price was: $124.49.Current price is: $15.00.


Charles Martin

Diana W. Martin

Eldra Solomon

Eldra Solomon

Dr. Eldra Solomon earned an M.S. from the University of Florida and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of South Florida. She taught Nursing and Biology students for more than twenty years. In addition to being a science author and a biologist, Eldra is a bio-psychologist with a special interest in the neurophysiology of traumatic experience. Her research has focused on the neurological, endocrine and psychological effects of trauma, including Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and development of maladaptive coping strategies.

Dr. Solomon has written several leading college-level textbooks in Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology. Her books have been translated into more than ten languages. She has presented her research at many national and international conferences, and her work has been published in leading professional journals. She has been profiled more than thirty times in leading publications, including Who's Who In Science And Engineering, Who's Who In America, And Who's Who In The World.

Linda R. Berg

So you plan on majoring in Biology. Why wouldn’t you want to use what has been described as the best majors’ textbook for learning the subject?

Solomon, Martin, Martin, and Berg’s BIOLOGY 11th edition (PDF) — often described as the best majors’ textbook for learning Biology — is also a complete teaching program. The integrated, inquiry-based learning system guides college students through each chapter with key concepts at the beginning of every chapter and learning objectives for each section. End-of-section Checkpoint questions encourage biology students to review key points before moving on. A chapter summary further reinforces learning objectives, followed by an opportunity for bio students to test their understanding. The 11th edition offers expanded integration of the textbook’s 5 guiding themes of Biology — the evolution of life, the flow of energy through living systems, the transmission of biological information, interactions among biological systems, and the inter-relationship of structure and function.

P.S: We also have Biology 11th edition test bank, instructor manual and other resources for sale separately.

NOTE: This purchase only includes the Solomons Biology 11e in PDF. No online codes come with the purchase.