
Social Psychology and Human Nature, 5th Edition – PDF ebook

Social Psychology and Human Nature, 5th Edition – PDF ebook Copyright: 2021, Edition: 5th, Author: Roy F. Baumeister; Brad J. Bushman, Publisher: Cengage Learning, Print ISBN: 9780357122891, etext ISBN: 9780357122891, Format: PDF

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Brad J. Bushman

Brad J. Bushman

Dr. Brad J. Bushman is the Chair of Mass Communication Professor at Ohio State University. He has published extensively on the consequences and causes of human aggression. His work has questioned the utility of catharsis and relates also to violent video game effects on aggression. Along with Roy Baumeister, his work suggests that it is narcissism, not low self-esteem, that causes people to act more aggressively after an insult. His research has been featured in Newsweek, on 20/20, on the CBS Evening News, and on National Public Radio.

He has also been featured on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!. He got his BS in psychology from Weber State University in 1984 and his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri in 1989 and holds 3 master's degrees (in statistics, psychology, and secondary education). Since 2005, Bushman has spent the summers as a professor of communication science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Prior to joining Ohio State University, Bushman was a professor at Iowa State University and the University of Michigan.

He was awarded an Ig Nobel award in psychology in 2013 for his work about the attractiveness of drunk people. In 2014 he got the Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Media Psychology and Technology award from the American Psychological Association.

Roy F. Baumeister

Roy F. Baumeister

Dr. Roy F. Baumeister, a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland, Australia, has taught introductory social psychology to thousands of graduate and undergraduate students. He got his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1978. His research and teaching experience includes appointments at the Florida State University, University of California at Berkeley, Case Western Reserve University, the University of Virginia, the Max Planck Institute in Munich (Germany), the University of Texas at Austin, the VU University, Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the University of Bamberg (Germany), the University of Melbourne (Australia), King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia), and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. An active researcher whose work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Templeton Foundation, Roy has conducted research on the self (including self-control and self-esteem), the need to belong, aggression, sexuality, and how people find meaning in life.

According to Google Scholar, Dr. Roy Baumeister's works have been cited over 175,000 times in scientific literature. In 2013, he received the William James Award, the highest honor bestowed by the Association for Psychological Science in all of psychology. In his spare time, he likes to play jazz and ski.

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eBook Details:

Full title: Social Psychology and Human Nature, 5th Edition
Edition: 5th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Roy F. Baumeister; Brad J. Bushman
ISBN: 9780357122891, 9780357122891
Format: PDF

Description of Social Psychology and Human Nature, 5th Edition:
You are a member of a social world on a planet that is home to about 8 billion people. This social world is filled with paradox, mystery, suspense and outright absurdity. Explore how social psychology can help you make sense of your own social world with this engaging and accessible book. Roy F. Baumeister and Brad J. Bushman’s SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN NATURE, 5th Edition, can help you understand one of the most interesting topics of all — the sometimes bizarre and baffling but always fascinating diversity of human behavior, and how and why people act the way they do. Thoroughly updated with the latest research, the new edition includes expanded coverage of social media use and loneliness, findings on mimicry, high divorce rates among attractive people, nonbinary gender theory, and prejudice and what may reduce it. After reading this book, you will have a much better understanding of people.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Table of Contents of Social Psychology and Human Nature, 5th Edition PDF ebook:
About the AuthorsBrief ContentsContentsPrefaceChapter 1: The Mission and the MethodA Brief History of Social PsychologyWhat Do Social Psychologists Do?Social Psychology’s Place in the WorldWhy People Study Social PsychologyHow Do Social Psychologists Answer Their Own Questions?How Much of Social Psychology Is True?Chapter 1 SummaryChapter 2: Culture and NatureNature and Social BehaviorCulture and Human Social LifeImportant Features of Human Social LifeChapter 2 SummaryChapter 3: The SelfWhat Is the Self?Where Self-Knowledge Comes FromSelf and Information ProcessingSelf-Esteem, Self-Deception, and Positive IllusionsSelf-PresentationChapter 3 SummaryChapter 4: Choices and Actions: The Self in ControlWhat You Do, and What It MeansFreedom of ActionGoals, Plans, IntentionsSelf-Regulation and HabitsIrrationality and Self-DestructionChapter 4 SummaryChapter 5: Social CognitionWhat Is Social Cognition?Attributions and Explanations: Why Did That Happen?Heuristics: Mental ShortcutsFlawed or Clever Thinking?(So-Called) Errors and BiasesAre Most People Really Stupid?Chapter 5 SummaryChapter 6: Emotion and AffectWhat Is Emotion?Emotional ArousalSome Important EmotionsWhy Do We Have Emotions?Group Differences in EmotionArousal, Attention, and PerformanceEmotional Intelligence (El or EQ)Affect RegulationChapter 6 SummaryChapter 7: Attitudes, Beliefs, and ConsistencyWhat Are Attitudes and Why Do People Have Them?How Attitudes Are FormedConsistencyDo Attitudes Really Predict Behaviors?Beliefs and BelievingChapter 7 SummaryChapter 8: Social Influence and PersuasionTwo Types of Social InfluenceTechniques of Social InfluencePersuasionResisting Social Influence TechniquesChapter 8 SummaryChapter 9: Prosocial Behavior: Doing What’s Best for OthersIs Helping Contagious?What Is Prosocial Behavior?MoralityCooperation, Forgiveness, Obedience, Conformity, and TrustWhy Do People Help Others?Who Helps Whom?Bystander Helping in EmergenciesHow Can We Increase Helping?Chapter 9 SummaryChapter 10: Aggression & Antisocial BehaviorDefining Aggression, Violence, and Antisocial BehaviorIs Aggression Innate or Learned?Inner Causes of AggressionInterpersonal Causes of AggressionExternal Causes of AggressionSelf and CultureOther Antisocial BehaviorChapter 10 SummaryChapter 11: Interpersonal Attraction and RejectionThe Need to BelongAttraction: Who Likes Whom?RejectionChapter 11 SummaryChapter 12: Close Relationships: Passion, Intimacy, and SexualityWhat Is Love?Different Types of RelationshipsMaintaining RelationshipsSexualityChapter 12 SummaryChapter 13: Prejudice and Intergroup RelationsABCs of Intergroup Relationships: Prejudice, Discrimination, and StereotypesCommon Prejudices and TargetsWhy Prejudice ExistsContent of Prejudice and StereotypesInner ProcessesOvercoming Stereotypes, Reducing PrejudiceImpact of Prejudice on TargetsAre Social Psychologists Biased?Chapter 13 SummaryChapter 14: GroupsWhat Groups Are and DoGroups, Roles, and SelvesGroup ActionHow Groups ThinkPower and LeadershipChapter 14 SummaryApplication Module A: Applying Social Psychology to Consumer BehaviorApplication Module B: Applying Social Psychology to HealthApplication Module C: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Applying Social Psychology to the WoApplication Module D: Applying Social Psychology to LawApplication Module E: Applying Social Psychology to the EnvironmentGlossaryEndnotesReferencesName IndexSubject Index