
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 4th Edition – eTextBook

Product details

  • Author: Louis Frenzel
  • File Size: 44 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Hardcover: 944 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 4th edition (February 9, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00VF63M3K
  • ISBN-10: 0073373850
  • ISBN-13: 978-0073373850

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Louis E. Frenzel

Louis E. Frenzel

Louis Frenzel is a Technology Editor for Electronic Design Magazine where he writes articles, technology reports, columns, blogs, and online material on the wireless, communications and networking sectors. Lou interviews executives and engineers, attends conferences, and researches those areas of electronics to determine the current state of the technology and reviews new products. Lou has been with the magazine since 2000.

Formerly, Frenzel was professor and department head at Austin Community College where he taught electronics for 5 years. He still teaches at ACC as an Adjunct Professor. Lou has 25+ years experience in the electronics industry. Louis holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston and a master’s degree from the University of Maryland. Lou is author of nineteen books on electronic and computer subjects as well as hundreds of magazine articles.

He was born in Galveston, Texas and currently lives with his wife Joan in Austin, Texas.

Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 4th edition provides the most up-to-date survey available for students taking a first course in electronic communications. Requiring only trigonometry and basic algebra, this new 4th edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly updated and expanded material on the smart phones, Internet, and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are integrated throughout. A new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed by technicians. A new Online Learning Center is also available, with a wealth of learning resources for instructors and college students.

McGraw-Hill Education’s Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective.

Note: This is only a standalone product (PDF).

P.S we also have Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 4th Edition testbank, instructor manual and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.