
Patterns for College Writing (14th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Author: Laurie Kirszner, Stephen Mandell
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1123 Pages
  • Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s; 14th edition
  • Publication Date: September 8, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B075LWBZ9P
  • ISBN-10: 1319056644, 1319056679, 1319130399
  • ISBN-13: 9781319056643, 9781319056674, 9781319130398

Newer edition available. See below

Original price was: $58.99.Current price is: $17.00.

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Laurie G. Kirszner

Laurie G. Kirszner

Dr. Laurie Kirszner is a Professor of English, Emeritus at the University of the Sciences, where she has taught composition, literature, creative writing, and scientific writing, and served as coordinator of the first-year writing program.

During their long collaboration, Dr. Stephen Mandell and Dr. Laurie Kirszner have written a number of best-selling college textbooks including Patterns for College Writing, Writing First, Focus on Writing, Foundations First, and, most recently, Practical Argument.

Stephen R. Mandell

Stephen R. Mandell

Dr. Stephen Mandell is a bestselling author and a practicing teacher who is well known nationally across the United States. Dr. Mandell, together with co-author Laurie G. Kirszner, has written many bestsellers for nearly every English market. They have the deepest publishing record of any handbook author team and have successfully published up and down the curriculum.

Stephen Mandell and Laurie Kirszner, authors with thirty years of experience teaching college writing, know what works in the classroom and have a skill for picking just the right readings. In Patterns for College Writing, 14th Edition, (PDF) they provide students with excellent rhetorical models and instructors with class-tested selections that balance contemporary and classic essays. Along with more examples of student writing than any other reader, Patterns has the most comprehensive coverage of active reading, research, and the writing process, with a five-chapter mini-rhetoric; the clearest explanations of the patterns of development; the most comprehensive apparatus of any rhetorical reader; and the most thorough coverage of argumentative writing—all reasons why Patterns for College Writing 14e is the best-selling reader in the country. And the new edition includes exciting new images, readings, and debate, and casebook topics.

Additional ISBNs: 978-1319056643, 978-1319056674, 978-1319130398

A newer edition is also available. See related ebooks below

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