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eBook Details:
Full title: Jerome Bruner, Meaning-Making and Education for Conflict Resolution: Why How We Think Matters
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Author: Sally Myers
ISBN: 9781800710757, 9781681254104
Format: PDF
Description of Jerome Bruner, Meaning-Making and Education for Conflict Resolution: Why How We Think Matters:
Written as a practical guide for teachers in inclusive settings, Design and Deliver introduces Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and describes how to effectively implement it in the classroom. UDL is a framework that guides the design of barrier-free, instructionally rich learning environments and lessons that provide access to all students. In this research-based, easy-to-read guide, seasoned teacher and former UDL Coordinator Loui Lord Nelson highlights how K-12 educators can use the three key principles of UDL-Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression-to meet the needs of diverse learners. The book explains UDL; describes the vocabulary, myths, and brain science underlying it; and offers strategies, lesson plan guidance, and techniques to implement it.