
Human Anatomy (9th Global Edition) – Marieb/Mallatt/Brady – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia M. Brady, Jon B. Mallatt
  • File Size: 206 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 896 Pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 9th edition (International)
  • Publication Date: August 15, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292314478
  • ISBN-13: 9781292314471

Original price was: $90.48.Current price is: $17.00.

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Elaine N. Marieb

Elaine N. Marieb

Dr. Elaine N. Marieb, for her, taking the college student’s perspective into account has always been an integral part of her teaching style. Elaine began her teaching career at Springfield College, where she taught anatomy and physiology to physical education majors. She then joined the faculty of the Biological Science Division of Holyoke Community College in 1969 after receiving her Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. While teaching at Holyoke Community College, where many of her college students were pursuing nursing degrees, she developed a desire to better understand the relationship between the scientific study of the human body and the clinical aspects of the nursing practice. To that end, while continuing to teach full time, Dr. Elaine Marieb pursued her nursing education, which culminated in a Master of Science degree with a clinical specialization in gerontology from the University of Massachusetts. It is this experience that has informed the development of the unique perspective and accessibility for which her publications are known.

Dr. Marieb has partnered with Benjamin Cummings for over 30 years. Her first work was Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual (Cat Version), which came out in 1981. In the years since, several other lab manual versions and study guides, as well as the softcover Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology etextbook, have hit the campus bookstores. This textbook, now in its 12th edition, made its appearance in 1989 and is the latest expression of her commitment to the needs of students studying human anatomy and physiology.

In 1994, Elaine N. Marieb received the Benefactor Award from the National Council for Resource Development, American Association of Community Colleges, which recognizes her ongoing sponsorship of faculty teaching awards, student scholarships, and other academic contributions to Holyoke Community College. In May 2000, the science building at Holyoke Community College was named in her honor.

Dr. Marieb is an active member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS).

Jon Mallatt

Jon Mallatt

Dr. Jon Mallatt earned his Ph.D. in Anatomy from the University of Chicago. Dr. Mallatt is currently an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Washington State University, where he has been teaching human anatomy to undergraduates of all backgrounds for twenty-five years. He is also a member of the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, where he teaches courses in Histology and Anatomy of the Trunk in the WWAMI Medical Program. WWAMI honored him with their "Excellence in Teaching Award" in 1992, 1993, 1995, and 2000. Additionally, Jon holds a position as an adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Structure at the University of Washington. His particular areas of expertise in the study of anatomy are comparative anatomy, histology, and anatomical drawing, although his research now focuses on the origin of vertebrate animals and molecular phylogeny. Dr. Job Mallatt is an accomplished researcher with 39 publications in the fields of anatomy and molecular phylogeny to his credit.

Patricia M. Brady Wilhelm

Patricia M. Brady Wilhelm

Dr. Patricia Brady Wilhelm received her Ph.D. in biological and medical sciences from Brown University and is currently Professor and Chair of Science at Johnson & Wales University, Providence RI. She has taught human anatomy at Brown University, Rhode Island College, Community College of Rhode Island, and currently at the Center for Physician Assistant Studies at Johnson & Wales University.

Dr. Wilhelm’s commitment to teaching has been recognized throughout her career. In 1991 she received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching from Brown University and in 2011 the Teaching Excellence Award from the Community College of Rhode Island. Dr. Wilhelm embraces innovation in the classroom and laboratory, incorporating Project Based Learning, POGIL activities, cooperative team-based dissection, and other active learning strategies into her courses. The driving factor behind these innovations is the desire to aid student learning by making course materials accessible and to make the study of anatomy an active and interactive process. Dr. Wilhelm has shared her techniques, tools, experience, and enthusiasm for student success through professional presentations at national and regional meetings, including those of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS), the New England Biology Association of Two Year Colleges (NEBATYC), and Strategies to Success Conferences.

In addition to teaching, Dr. Wilhelm contributes to the development and use of multimedia course tools for human anatomy instruction, is a contributing author and reviewer for a number of anatomy and physiology publications, and is a reviewer for Anatomical Sciences Education. She is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, the American Association of Anatomists (AAA), Sigma Xi, and the PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education) Community.

Marieb/Mallatt/Brady’s Human Anatomy 9th Global Edition (PDF) is the #1 best-selling textbook for the human anatomy course, is extensively regarded as the most readable and visually accessible ebook on the market. Using a functional anatomy theme, the ebook presents human anatomy as a well-illustrated “story” with the correct amount of detail that learners can understand at an introductory level. Comparative descriptions and analogies make anatomical structures more memorable and understandable and explain how the composition and shape of structures allow them to perform their functions.

The 9th Global Edition includes new exercises and questions that assist students to learn and use anatomical language and interpret real-world medical images while learning fundamental human anatomy. Building on the functional anatomy approach of prior editions, selected illustrated tables have been improved to tell a more logical and cohesive “story” of human anatomy.

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