Fundamentals of Labor Economics, 3rd Edition – PDF ebook


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eBook Details:

Full title: Fundamentals of Labor Economics, 3rd Edition
Edition: 3rd
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780357133972, 9780357133972
Format: PDF

Description of Fundamentals of Labor Economics, 3rd Edition:
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Table of Contents of Fundamentals of Labor Economics, 3rd Edition PDF ebook:
ContentsPrefaceChapter 1: The Study of Labor EconomicsThe Study and Scope of Labor EconomicsThe Method of Labor EconomicsThe Plan of This BookSummaryKey TermsProblemsAppendix: Regression AnalysisChapter 2: The Demand for LaborThe Production FunctionThe Marginal Product of LaborThe Short-Run Demand for LaborThe Demand for Labor in the Long RunAppendix: Technological Change and Labor DemandChapter 3: Topics in Labor DemandElasticitiesHow Elastic Is the Demand for Labor?Extensions and Embellishments of Marginal Productivity TheoryAre Workers Paid Their Marginal Product?SummaryKey TermsProblemsAppendix: A Test of the Marginal Productivity Theory: A Cobb-Douglas ExerciseChapter 4:The Supply of Labor: Labor Force ParticipationLabor Force ParticipationThe Theory of Labor Force Participation for an IndividualThe Theory of Labor Force Participation for GroupsApplications of the TheorySummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 5: The Supply of Labor: Hours of WorkThe History of Working HoursWorker Preferences and Hours WorkedThe Theory of Hours of Work for an IndividualApplications of the TheoryVariations on the Wage LineWelfare Programs and Labor SupplySome Extensions of the Individual ModelEmpirical Evidence on Labor Supply ElasticitiesSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 6: Human Capital AnalysisSome BackgroundEducation and Age-Earnings ProfilesCalculating the Returns to EducationThe EvidenceGeneral versus Specific Human CapitalExternalities, Equity, and SubsidiesHuman Capital and MobilitySummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 7: Labor Market EquilibriumEquilibrium in a Single Labor MarketEquilibrium across Different Labor MarketsEmpirical Studies of Wage DifferentialsInternational Trade and Relative WagesSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 8: Information and Job SearchThe Fixed Sample Search ModelThe Sequential Search ModelMatching ModelsEquilibrium Search ModelsThe Duration of Unemployment and the Hazard FunctionLabor MobilityJob Search Methods and ResultsSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 9: Monopsony and Minimum WagesWage and Employment Determination under Conditions of MonopsonyWhere Does Monopsony Exist?Minimum WagesEmpirical Evidence on the Employment Effect of Minimum WagesOther Effects of the Minimum WageSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 10: Internal Labor MarketsThe Characteristics of ILMsThe Evolution of ILMsILMs and Firm EfficiencyImplications of ILMs for Labor AnalysisSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 11: Personnel EconomicsMotivating Worker EffortWork-Life Incentive SchemesBehavioral EconomicsSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 12: Unions and Collective BargainingA Profile of Unionism in the United StatesUnionism in Other CountriesTheories of Union GrowthUnion Goals and ObjectivesUnion Monopoly ModelsUnion Bargaining Power and StrikesThe Effects of UnionsSummaryKey TermsProblemsAppendix: Occupational LicensingChapter 13: Labor Market DiscriminationThe Many Faces of Labor Market DiscriminationGender and Racial Differences in Labor MarketsTheories of Labor Market DiscriminationMeasuring the Effect of Discrimination on Pay GapsWhat Does the Research Show?Antidiscrimination PoliciesThe Effects of Antidiscrimination PoliciesSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 14: UnemploymentMeasures of UnemploymentThe Natural Rate of UnemploymentFluctuations around the Natural RateA Model of the Aggregate Labor MarketUnemployment in the Great RecessionSummaryKey TermsProblemsChapter 15: Wage Inequality, Income Inequality, and PovertyWage Inequality and Labor Market PerformanceMeasuring InequalityTrends in Wage InequalityCauses of Increased Wage InequalityFrom Wage Inequality to Income InequalityPovertyPolicy OptionsSummaryKey TermsProblemsIndex