
Discrete Mathematics: Graph Algorithms, Algebraic Structures, Coding Theory, and Cryptography – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Sriraman Sridharan, R. Balakrishnan
  • File Size: 11 MB, 10 MB
  • Format: ePub, PDF
  • Length: 340 pages
  • Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
  • Publication Date: July 30, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0815347391, 0429486324, 0429942621
  • ISBN-13: 9780815347392, 9780429486326, 9780429942624

Original price was: $57.95.Current price is: $17.00.

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R. Balakrishnan

Sriraman Sridharan

Communicating ideas in a user-friendly style, this book has been designed for a course in Applied Algebra. Discrete Mathematics, (PDF/ePub) includes basic algebraic structures, graph algorithms, coding theory and cryptography. It will be most suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in computer science and mathematics as also to
individuals who want to have knowledge of the following topics.

  • Presents an introduction to linear codes including cyclic codes.
  • Provides an excellent introduction to the basic algebraic structures, namely, groups, rings, matrices, fields including finite fields, and a discussion on vector spaces and linear equations and their solutions.
  • Delivers a complete discussion on several graph algorithms such as Kruskals algorithm and Prims algorithm for sending a minimum cost spanning tree in a weighted graph, Floyds algorithm, Warshalls algorithm, Dijkstras single source shortest path algorithm, Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm. In addition to BFS and DFS search, several applications of BFS and DFS are also discussed.

Presents a description of private key cryptosystems and a discussion on public-key cryptosystems such as ElGamal, RSA, and Miller-Rabin. Lastly, the Agrawal-KayalSaxena algorithm (AKS Algorithm) for testing if a given positive integer is prime or not in polynomial time is presented- the first time in a textbook.

Two different features of the ebook are:

  • Replies to all even-numbered exercises in all the chapters are given.
  • Illustrative examples have been presented throughout the ebook to make the readers appreciate the concepts described.

NOTE: The sale only includes the ebook Discrete Mathematics: Graph Algorithms, Algebraic Structures, Coding Theory, and Cryptography in PDF and in ePub format. Access codes are not included.