David W Everett
Dr. David W. Everett is an Associate Professor in the Animal Science Department and Director of the Dairy Products Technology Center. He is originally from Australia, and completed his PhD in Food Science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. His academic career includes a post-doctoral fellowship at the University Of Guelph, Canada, investigating emulsion surface structures, and as faculty at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Otago, New Zealand, in food science departments. He has worked on dairy industry projects at a federal government research center on Australia (CSIRO) to help develop a technology to manufacture hard cheese from ultra-filtered milk, and at a dairy industry-funded company as a science liaison manager to bring together publicly-funded researchers with the dairy industry to solve technical problems.

Patrick F. Fox
Patrick Fox is Emeritus Professor of Food Chemistry at University College, Cork, Ireland. Dr. Patrick's research has focused on the biochemistry of cheese, the heat stability of milk, physico-chemical properties of milk proteins and food enzymology. He has authored or co-authored about 450 research and review papers, edited or authored 25 books on Dairy Chemistry and was one of the founding editors of the International Dairy Journal. In recognition of his work, Dr. Patrick has received the Research & Innovation Award of the (Irish) National Board for Science and Technology (1983), Medal of Honour, University of Helsinki (1991), the Miles-Marschall Award of the American Dairy Science Association (1987), the DSc degree of the National University of Ireland (1993), the ISI Highly Cited Award in Agricultural Science (2002), the Senior Medal for Agricultural & Food Chemistry of the Royal Society for Chemistry (2000), and the International Dairy Federation Award for 2002. Patrick has also been invited to lecture in various countries around the world, and has served in various capacities with the International Dairy Federation.
Paul D. Cotter
Dr. Paul Cotter is Principal Research Officer at Teagasc Food Research Centre at Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy, Ireland. He is a molecular microbiologist, with researchers in his lab focusing particularly on antimicrobial peptides and the microbiology of the gut (and its role in disease and health) and of food. Paul also manages the Teagasc DNA sequencing facility, is a Principal Investigator within the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre and is an adjunct lecturer at Cork Institute of Technology. Dr. Paul's Vision I laboratory was awarded the title of Irish Food/Agriculture Laboratory of the Year 2013, he has received awards from the Society for Applied Microbiology, ESCMID and FEMS and is an appointed faculty member of Faculty of Biology since 2006. Paul is also the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed publications resulting from research funded by the EU, Science Foundation Ireland, Fisheries and Food, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Health Research Board, the Irish Department of Agriculture, and the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology. He is also a member of the editorial boards of Applied & Environmental Microbiology, BMC Microbiology, F1000 Reports, PLoS One, and Proteins & Antimicrobial

Paul L. H. McSweeney
Dr. Paul McSweeney is Professor of Food Chemistry in the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College, Cork, Ireland (UCC). He graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Food Science and Technology in 1990 and a PhD in Food Chemistry from UCC in 1993 and also has an MA in Ancient Classics and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2012). He spent seven months (Jan-Aug, 2014) as interim head of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science in UCC. He worked for a year in the University of Wisconsin (1991-2) as part of PhD and as a post-doctoral research scientist in UCC (1993-4).Dr. Paul was appointed to the academic staff of UCC in 1995. Paul is an experienced lecturer and researcher and has successfully managed research projects funded through the Food Industry Research Measure and its predecessors administered by the Irish Department of Agriculture and Food, the US-Ireland Co-operative Program in Agriculture/Food Science and Technology, the EU Framework programs, Bioresearch Ireland and industry. Dr. McSweeney was awarded the Marschall Danisco International Dairy Science Award of the American Dairy Science Association in 2004 and in 2009 a higher doctorate (DSc) on published work by the National University of Ireland.
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