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eBook Details:
Full title: Carpentry, 4th Edition
Edition: 4th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning Canada Inc.
Author: Floyd Vogt, Michael Nauth, Luc Lapierre
ISBN: 9780176884925, 9780176885083
Format: PDF
Description of Carpentry, 4th Edition:
The fourth Canadian edition of Vogt/Nauth’s Carpentry textbook is designed for college students enrolled in both apprenticeship and diploma programs. Referring to the National Building Code of Canada, this product will prepare students to pass the Certificate of Qualification Exam (Red Seal Exam) and for a career as a professionally certified carpenter. The core of the carpentry trade as practised in Canada is covered in four comprehensive sections: Tools and Materials, Building Construction, Exterior Finish, and Interior Finish. Each of these sections features step-by-step procedures for all stages of construction, important safety precautions, tips of the trade, and a look at anticipated future trends in the construction industry. The engaging design and layout throughout this text are accompanied by a focus on necessary soft skills and features that build critical thinking skills, including “What’s Wrong with This Picture” and “Deconstruct This” activities.
Table of Contents of Carpentry, 4th Edition PDF ebook:
ContentsPrefaceKey FeaturesAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorsIntroductionSection 1: Tools and MaterialsUnit 1: Wood and LumberChapter 1: WoodChapter 2: LumberUnit 2: Engineered PanelsChapter 3: Structural (Rated) PanelsChapter 4: Non-Structural PanelsUnit 3: Engineered Wood ProductsChapter 5: Engineered Beams, Lintels, Slabs, and ColumnsChapter 6: Engineered Joists, Rafters, and StudsUnit 4: FastenersChapter 7: Nails, Screws, and BoltsChapter 8: Anchors and AdhesivesUnit 5: Hand ToolsChapter 9: Layout ToolsChapter 10: Boring and Cutting ToolsChapter 11: Fastening and Dismantling ToolsUnit 6: Portable Power ToolsChapter 12: Saws, Drills, and DriversChapter 13: Planes, Routers, Sanders, and Plate JoinersChapter 14: Fastening ToolsUnit 7: Stationary Power ToolsChapter 15: Circular Saw BladesChapter 16: Mitre Saws, Cut-Off Saws, and Radial Arm SawsChapter 17: Table Saws and Other Stationary Power ToolsUnit 8: Architectural Plans and Building CodesChapter 18: Architectural Plans and SpecificationsChapter 19: Plan Views, Sections, and ElevationsChapter 20: Building Codes and Zoning RequirementsSection 2: Building ConstructionUnit 9: Construction SafetyChapter 21: Jobsite Safety and Construction AidsChapter 22: ScaffoldingUnit 10: Building LayoutChapter 23: Levelling and Layout Tools and ProceduresChapter 24: Laying Out Foundation LinesUnit 11: Concrete Form ConstructionChapter 25: Characteristics of ConcreteChapter 26: Forms for Footings, Slabs, Walks, and DrivewaysChapter 27: Wall, Column, and Insulated Concrete FormsChapter 28: Concrete Stair Forms and Preserved Wood FoundationsChapter 29: Concrete Forming for the ICI Sector (Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional)Unit 12: Floor FramingChapter 30: Types of Wood-Frame ConstructionChapter 31: The Substructure: Columns, Beams, and Sill PlatesChapter 32: The Floor Frame: Joists, Openings, Bridging, and the SubfloorChapter 33: Construction Stair Types, Terms, and CalculationsChapter 34: Construction Stair Layout and AssemblyUnit 13: Exterior Wall FramingChapter 35: Exterior Wall: Components and Their FunctionsChapter 36: Exterior Wall: Construction SequenceUnit 14: Interior Wall and Ceiling FramingChapter 37: Partitions and Ceiling JoistsChapter 38: Backing and BlockingChapter 39: Steel FramingUnit 15: Roof FramingChapter 40: Roof Types, Components, and TerminologyChapter 41: Roof TrussesChapter 42: Gable and Gambrel RoofsChapter 43: Shed, Dormer, and Porch RoofsChapter 44: Hip RoofsChapter 45: Intersecting Roofs with Equal SlopeChapter 46: Unequal Sloped Roofs and Gazebo RoofsChapter 47: Post-and-Beam and Timber Frame ConstructionUnit 16: Energy-Efficient HousingChapter 48: Building Science: Principles and PracticeChapter 49: Progressive Practices: Framing and Air SealingChapter 50: Thermal and Acoustical InsulationChapter 51: RenovationsSection 3: Exterior FinishUnit 17: RoofingChapter 52: Asphalt Shingles and Various Types of RoofingChapter 53: Wood Shingles and ShakesChapter 54: FlashingUnit 18: WindowsChapter 55: Window Components and TypesChapter 56: Window InstallationUnit 19: Exterior DoorsChapter 57: Exterior Door StylesChapter 58: Exterior Door InstallationChapter 59: Installing Exterior Door HardwareUnit 20: Siding and Cornice ConstructionChapter 60: Exterior Wall PreparationChapter 61: Wood and Composite SidingChapter 62: Wood Shingle and Shake SidingChapter 63: Metal and Vinyl SidingChapter 64: Cornices and EavestroughsUnit 21: Decks, Porches, and FencesChapter 65: Deck and Porch ConstructionChapter 66: Fence Design and ErectionSection 4: Interior FinishUnit 22: Drywall ConstructionChapter 67: Gypsum and Cement BoardChapter 68: Single-Layer and Multilayer Drywall ApplicationChapter 69: Concealing Fasteners and JointsUnit 23: Wall Panelling and Ceramic TileChapter 70: Wall Panelling: Types and ApplicationChapter 71: Ceramic TileUnit 24: Ceiling FinishChapter 72: Suspended CeilingsChapter 73: Surface-Mount Ceiling FinishesUnit 25: Interior Doors and Door FramesChapter 74: Description of Interior DoorsChapter 75: Installation of Interior Doors and Door FramesUnit 26: Interior TrimChapter 76: Description and Application of MouldingChapter 77: Application of Door Casings, Base, and Window TrimUnit 27: Interior Stair FinishChapter 78: Open and Closed Staircases, Winders, and Circular StairsChapter 79: Finishing Open and Closed StaircasesChapter 80: Installing BalustradesUnit 28: Finish FlooringChapter 81: Description of Wood Finish FlooringChapter 82: Installing Wood and Other Types of Finish FlooringChapter 83: Underlayment, Resilient Tile, and Roll FlooringUnit 29: Cabinets and CountertopsChapter 84: Description and Installation of Manufactured CabinetsChapter 85: Countertop and Cabinet Construction and HardwareAppendixGlossaryIndex