Becoming a Helper, 8th Edition – PDF ebook


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eBook Details:

Full title: Becoming a Helper, 8th Edition
Edition: 8th
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Marianne Schneider Corey; Gerald Corey
ISBN: 9780357366271, 9780357427354
Format: PDF

Description of Becoming a Helper, 8th Edition:
Ideal for anyone just starting or even considering a career in the helping professions, Corey and Corey’s BECOMING A HELPER, Eighth Edition, provides an overview of the stages of the helping process while equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful helping professional. Drawing on their years of practice, the authors focus on the struggles, anxieties and uncertainties students often encounter on the road to becoming effective helpers. Providing a candid look at the demands and strains of real-world practice — including the challenges involved in becoming an effective helper as well as the difficulties of working with others — the book helps you determine if this career if a good fit for you. It is an excellent resource for those pursuing a career in human services, counseling, social work, psychology, couples and family therapy, or related professions.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Table of Contents of Becoming a Helper, 8th Edition PDF ebook:
ContentsAbout the AuthorsPrefaceChapter 1: Are the Helping Professions for You?Learning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterExamining Your Motives for Becoming a HelperOur Own Beginnings as HelpersIs a Helping Career for You?Portrait of the “Ideal Helper”Investing in Your Educational ProgramSelecting a Professional Program and Career PathOverview of Some of the Helping ProfessionsValues to Consider in Choosing Your Career PathSuggestions for Creating Your Professional JourneySelf-Assessment: An Inventory of Your Attitudes and Beliefs about HelpingBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 2: Helper, Know ThyselfLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterImpact of Professional Practice on the Helper’s LifeValue of Self-Exploration for the HelperUsing Individual and Group Counseling for Self-UnderstandingWorking with Your Family of OriginUnderstanding Life TransitionsBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 3: Knowing Your ValuesLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterRole of Values in HelpingAvoiding Imposing ValuesDealing with Value ConflictsConcerns of LGBTQI PeopleFamily ValuesGender-Role Identity IssuesReligious and Spiritual ValuesAbortionSexualityEnd-of-Life DecisionsBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 4: Understanding DiversityLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterA Multicultural Perspective on HelpingEthical Dimensions in Multicultural PracticeOvercoming Cultural Tunnel VisionCultural Values and the Helping ProcessExamining Your Cultural AssumptionsUnderstanding People with DisabilitiesMulticultural Counseling CompetenciesSocial Justice CompetenciesMulticultural TrainingBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 5: Common Concerns of Beginning HelpersLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterExploring Self-Doubts and FearsTransference and CountertransferenceWorking with Clients Who Manifest Problematic BehaviorStriving for CompetenceBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 6: The Helping ProcessLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterYour View of the Helping ProcessOur Beliefs about the Helping ProcessBrief InterventionsStages of the Helping ProcessBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 7: Theory Applied to PracticeLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterTheory as a RoadmapOur Theoretical OrientationPsychodynamic ApproachesExperiential and Relationship-Oriented ApproachesCognitive Behavioral ApproachesPostmodern ApproachesFamily Systems PerspectiveAn Integrative Approach to the Helping ProcessBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 8: Ethical and Legal Issues Facing HelpersLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterInventory of Ethical IssuesEthical Decision MakingInformed ConsentConfidentiality and PrivacyDocumentation and Keeping RecordsEthical Issues in a Managed Care EnvironmentMalpractice and Risk ManagementA Word of CautionBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 9: Managing Boundary IssuesLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterSelf-Inventory on Managing BoundariesMultiple Relationships and the Codes of EthicsThe Multiple Relationship ControversyEstablishing Personal and Professional BoundariesCombining Personal and Professional RelationshipsSocial Media and BoundariesBartering in CounselingGiving and Accepting Gifts in the Therapeutic RelationshipDealing with Sexual AttractionsSexual Relationships with Current ClientsSexual Relationships with Former ClientsBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 10: Getting the Most from Your Fieldwork and SupervisionLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterMaking the Most of Your FieldworkBenefiting from Your SupervisionMultiple Roles and Relationships in SupervisionBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 11: Working with GroupsLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterGroup Work as the Treatment of ChoiceVarious Types of GroupsThe Value of Group WorkStages of a Group and Tasks of Group LeadersDeveloping Skills as a Group LeaderThe Ethical and Professional Group LeaderMulticultural and Social Justice Themes in GroupsWorking with ColeadersConsider a Group Experience for YourselfTeaching Group Members How to Get the Most from a Group ExperienceBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 12: Working in the CommunityLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterThe Scope of the Community ApproachMultiple Roles of Community WorkersCommunity InterventionOutreachEducating the CommunityInfluencing PolicymakersMobilizing Community ResourcesSocial Activism and Making a DifferenceBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 13: Stress, Burnout, and Self-CareLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterIndividual Sources of Stress for HelpersCognitive Approaches to Stress ManagementEnvironmental Sources of Stress for HelpersStress in an Agency EnvironmentUnderstanding BurnoutThe Impaired ProfessionalStrategies to Prevent BurnoutStaying Alive Personally and ProfessionallyTherapeutic Lifestyle Changes That Promote WellnessDesigning a Personal Strategy for Self-Care and WellnessBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?Chapter 14: Managing Crisis: Personally and ProfessionallyLearning ObjectivesFocus QuestionsAim of the ChapterHow Crises Affect UsCrisis Situations Are Common in CounselingUnderstanding Our Response to CrisisThe Role of ResilienceCognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Components of a CrisisCrisis Intervention WorkGuidelines for Working with Clients in CrisisDisaster Mental Health WorkersBy Way of ReviewWhat Will You Do Now?EpilogueReferencesName IndexSubject Index