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eBook Details:
Full title: Basic Infection Control for Health Care Professionals, 3rd Edition
Edition: 3rd
Copyright year: 2021
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Author: Michael Kennamer
ISBN: 9780357433805, 9780357433805
Format: PDF
Description of Basic Infection Control for Health Care Professionals, 3rd Edition:
Basic Infection Control for Health Care Providers, Third Edition, is a clear and concise guide to preventing occupational exposure hazards and communicable and infectious diseases. Written at a level that assumes no prior knowledge of infectious disease, this book includes coverage on how to safely protect oneself from infectious agents and what to do in case of infectious exposure. This book is equally applicable for any healthcare field, including medical assistant, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, nursing assistant, dental professionals, respiratory therapy, diagnostic imaging, long-term care, massage therapy, and emergency medicine. Other occupations with potential exposure to infectious disease, such as tattoo artists, law enforcement, food service, corrections, fire service, childcare, and education, will benefit from the clear and concise discussions of the disease process, protection from communicable disease, and post-exposure protocols. Background information such as legal issues and the immune system provide a clear context regarding exposure and infectious diseases. The blend of fundamental infection control content and reference resources makes this tool perfect for use in an instructional setting or as a reference for anyone at risk of occupational exposure to infectious disease.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Table of Contents of Basic Infection Control for Health Care Professionals, 3rd Edition PDF ebook:
ContentsPrefaceChapter 1: Introduction to Infection ControlCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 1.1 Discuss the History of Infectious DiseaseLearning Objective 1.2 Discuss the History of Infection ControlLearning Objective 1.3 Describe Historical Events that Resulted in Occupational Exposure Becoming anNews Maker Johnson Infected RetiresUnder the MicroscopeAlertLearning Objective 1.4 Review Modern Infection Control ThreatsLearning Objective 1.5 Discuss Communicable Diseases That Impact Health Care ProfessionalsConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 2: Legal IssuesCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 2.1 List at Least Four Items Required by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens StandardAlertLearning Objective 2.2 Discuss the Intent of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (Learning Objective 2.3 Discuss the Americans with Disabilities ActLearning Objective 2.4 Describe the Provisions of the Needlestick Prevention and Safety ActNews Maker Ryan White Dies at 18Under the MicroscopeLearning Objective 2.5 Describe the Agencies Responsible for Setting Infection Control Standards in Learning Objective 2.6 List the Required Components in a Successful Negligence LawsuitLearning Objective 2.7 Describe Reasons the Health Care Professional Should Learn about Infection CoConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 3: The Disease ProcessCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 3.1 Differentiate between Infectious and Communicable DiseaseLearning Objective 3.2 Explain Direct and Indirect ExposureLearning Objective 3.3 List and Describe Various Causes of DiseaseLearning Objective 3.4 Describe Transmission Types of Communicable DiseaseAlertLearning Objective 3.5 Describe the Process of SeroconversionNews Maker 25 Dead in 6 DaysUnder the MicroscopeConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 4: The Immune SystemCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 4.1 Describe the Structure of the Immune SystemLearning Objective 4.2 Discuss the Function of the Immune SystemLearning Objective 4.3 Explain How the Immune System Responds to Pathogens Entering the BodyNews Maker CBS Anchor DeadUnder the MicroscopeLearning Objective 4.4 Discuss How the Body Protects Itself Using Nonspecific ImmunityLearning Objective 4.5 Describe How the Inflammatory Response Provides Protection against PathogensLearning Objective 4.6 Describe How the Body Defends against Specific PathogensConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 5: Protection from Communicable Disease in the WorkplaceCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 5.1 Describe How Engineering Controls Protect the Employee from Occupational ExpoLearning Objective 5.2 Explain How Safe Work Practices Protect the Health Care Professional from OccLearning Objective 5.3 Describe Isolation Practices Set Forth by the CDCLearning Objective 5.4 Define Nosocomial InfectionsLearning Objective 5.5 Describe the Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)AlertNews Maker Five-State E. Coli OutbreakUnder the MicroscopeLearning Objective 5.6 Describe the Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sterilization of Medical Supplies anLearning Objective 5.7 Explain How to Clean up a Spill of Blood or Other Potentially Infectious MateAlertLearning Objective 5.8 Discuss the Importance of Personal Health to the Health Care ProfessionalAlertAlertConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 6: Protection from Infectious Agents Used as WeaponsCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 6.1 Describe How Biological Weapons Have Historically Been Used in Warfare and TeLearning Objective 6.2 Discuss Current Issues Related to Infectious Agents Used as WeaponsNews Maker Anthrax Attack!Under the MicroscopeLearning Objective 6.3 Differentiate the Three Categories of Bioterrorism AgentsLearning Objective 6.4 Discuss Biological Weapon Delivery DevicesLearning Objective 6.5 Discuss the Prevention and Surveillance of Biological AttacksConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 7: Exposure DeterminationCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 7.1 Discuss the Six Components Necessary for Communicable Disease to Be SpreadNews Maker City Supports Firefighters Under the MicroscopeLearning Objective 7.2 Describe How to Determine Occupational Exposure to Communicable DiseaseConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyChapter 8: PostexposureCase StudyIntroductionLearning Objective 8.1 Explain the First Priority Following an ExposureLearning Objective 8.2 Describe the Procedure for Reporting an Occupational ExposureLearning Objective 8.3 Describe the Testing Required after Occupational ExposureLearning Objective 8.4 Describe OSHA Postexposure Reporting RequirementsAlertNews Maker Ford Calls for $135 MillionUnder the MicroscopeLearning Objective 8.5 Discuss Issues Related to a Health Care Professional Returning to Work after Learning Objective 8.6 List at Least Three Ways to Reduce StressAlertConclusionQuestions for DiscussionWeb ResourcesBibliographyAppendix: Diseases of ConcernGlossaryIndex