
Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management, and Treatment (3rd Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Donna Geffner, Deborah Ross-Swain
  • File Size: 128 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 800 pages
  • Publisher: Plural Publishing; 3rd Edition
  • Publication Date: January 25, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 194488341X
  • ISBN-13: 9781944883416

Original price was: $109.95.Current price is: $15.00.

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Deborah Ross-Swain

Donna Geffner

Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management, and Treatment, 3rd Edition, (PDF) details the history, behaviors, definition and comorbidity of auditory processing disorders while educating the reader on the latest practices for audiological and speech-language assessment of APD, including its impact on literacy and language processing. Practical rehabilitation, direct treatment programs, and management strategies, including the use of technology, are covered in detail.

This 3rd edition presents the tireless ongoing study, research, and clinical application by the best minds in the field of APD whose work is transforming the way clinicians are affecting the lives of thousands of individuals who struggle with APD. This edition arises as a more thorough study of the discipline, with new authors, experimental findings, and discoveries to render the science more definitive.

The third edition contains a global perspective of auditory processing including the latest in evidence-based treatment programs. Such additions include:

  • New features such as web links and references/resources.
  • Updated images of new FM systems and Apps for treatment.
  • Content has been edited to be more concise and reader-friendly for increased readability and comprehension.
  • A thoroughly updated chapter from Nina Kraus and her laboratory colleagues at Brain Volts, Northwestern University.
  • Updated chapters reflect the current research on AN/AD and the newest relevant tests for the SLP to administer when screening for APD.
  • A new chapter on psychological testing and what psychologists contribute to the full battery of testing, diagnosis, and knowledge base of APD.
  • A new chapter on an evidence-based program known as CAPDOTS from Carol Lai in Vancouver with data to support its use in deficit specific remediation.
  • The ebook was condensed based on reviewer feedback so that it can be used for a semester of study in the discipline with ease of reading and coursework.
  • New chapters from internationally renowned authors such as Harvey Dillon, Sharron Cameron (Australia), Doris Bamiou (South America), and Vivian Illiadou (Greece).
  • New chapters addressing neurological brain damage and its impact on auditory processing, psychiatric disorders associated with auditory processing, the impact of otitis media on auditory processing skills, and new methods for diagnosing (spatialized noise test).

It now includes a PluralPlus companion website with extra content for continued comprehensive coverage of APD. Auditory Processing Disorders 3rd edition (PDF) is a highly practical book designed particularly for practicing clinicians and instructors, both speech-language pathologists and audiologists. It includes a comprehensive review of APD and is an excellent resource for upper-level audiology students.

NOTE: The product includes the ebook, Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management, and Treatment, 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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