For undergraduate and graduate courses in auditing or professional research case, and capstone courses.
Explore real-life auditing scenarios in detail with the engaging text, “Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach, 7th Edition.” This comprehensive casebook covers each essential activity performed during an audit, using a dynamic narrative that captivates readers. Featuring cases grounded in actual companies, it addresses contemporary accounting issues, including financial reporting fraud. The unique active learning method in this edition encourages critical thinking and enhances interpersonal skills—key competencies in today’s workplace. With new cases, updated questions, and revisions to fundamental auditing standards, this edition ensures a relevant and enriching learning experience.
This is the PDF eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Additional ISBNs for Auditing Cases 7th Edition: 9780134735153, 9780134422718, 978-0134735153, 978-0134422718, 978-0134422725, 978-0134421827, 9780137503223, 0137503229, 978-0137503223
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