
Analytic Trigonometry with Applications (11th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen, Dave Sobecki
  • File Size: 13 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 620 Pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; 11th edition
  • Publication Date: December 1, 2011
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B006T4YTEO
  • ISBN-10: 0470648058, 1118298071, 1118129296
  • ISBN-13: 9780470648056, 9781118298077,  9781118129296

Original price was: $112.50.Current price is: $17.00.

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Dave Sobecki

Karl E. Byleen

Karl E. Byleen

Dr. Karl E. Byleen got all his B.S., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from the University of Nebraska. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science of Marquette University. He has published over a dozen research articles on the algebraic theory of semigroups.

Michael R. Ziegler

Dr. Michael R. Ziegler (late) earned his B.S. from Shippensburg State College and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. After completing post-doctoral work at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Ziegler was appointed to the faculty of Marquette University where he held the rank of Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. He published over a dozen research articles in complex analysis and co-authored eleven undergraduate mathematics textbooks with Karl E. Byleen and Raymond A. Barnett

Raymond A. Barnett

Raymond A. Barnett

Dr. Raymond Barnett, a native of California, received his B.A. in mathematical statistics from the University of California at Berkeley and his M.A. in maths from the University of Southern California. Dr. Barnett has been a member of the Merritt College Mathematics Department and was chairman of the department for 4 years. Raymond has co-authored or authored 18 textbooks in mathematics, most of which are still in use. In addition to international English editions, a number of his books have been translated into Spanish and other languages.

Barnett, Analytic Trigonometry with Applications, 11th Edition, (PDF) is a textbook that college students can actually read, understand, and implement. Concept development shifts from concrete to abstract to engage the student. About every concept is explained by an example followed by a matching problem allowing students to practice knowledge specifically when they get it. To gain student interest quickly, the text moves instantly into trigonometric concepts and applications and reviews essential material from prerequisite courses only as required. Comprehensive chapter review summaries, chapter and cumulative review exercises with answers keyed to the corresponding text sections, effective use of annotations and color comments, and prominent displays of important material all assist the student master the subject. Analytic Trigonometry 11e includes updated applications from a range of different fields to persuade all students that trigonometry is really useful.

The seamless incorporation of Barnett, Analytical Trigonometry 11th edition with WileyPLUS, a research-based, online environment for effective teaching and learning, builds student confidence in maths because it takes the guesswork out of studying by offering them with a clear roadmap: what to do, how to do it, and whether they did it right.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Analytic Trigonometry with Applications, 11th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.



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