
An Introduction to Biotechnology: The Science, Technology and Medical Applications – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: W. T. Godbey
  • File Size: 30 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 417 pages
  • Publisher: Academic Press
  • Publication Date: December 8, 2014
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00R4DX7J2
  • ISBN-10:190756828X, 0081015062
  • ISBN-13: 9781907568282, 9780081015063

Original price was: $57.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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W. T. Godbey

An Introduction to Biotechnology, (PDF) is a biotechnology textbook aimed at undergraduates. It includes the basics of cell biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry, and introduces laboratory techniques specific to the technologies addressed in the ebook; it addresses particular biotechnologies at both the theoretical and application levels.

Biotechnology is a field that includes both basic science and engineering. There are presently few, if any, biotechnology textbooks that sufficiently address both areas. Engineering ebooks are equation-heavy and are written in a way that is very difficult for the non-engineer to understand. Several other attempts to present biotechnology are written in an elaborate manner with little substance. The author holds one of the first PhDs granted in both bioengineering and biosciences. He is more than an author enamored with the wow-factor related to biotechnology; he is a practicing researcher in cell/tissue engineering, gene therapy, and other areas and has been involved with emerging technologies for more than a decade. Having made the statement that there is no suitable text for teaching a course to introduce biotechnology to both engineers and scientists, the author committed himself to resolve the issue by writing his own.

  • Engineering principles are addressed, but in such a way that a teacher can skip the sections without hurting course content
  • The ebook is of interest to a wide audience because it includes the needed background for understanding how technology works.

The author has been engaged with many biotechnologies through his own direct research experiences. The textbook is more than a collection of information – it is a combined work written by an author who has experienced first-hand the nuances linked with many of the major biotechnologies of general interest today.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook An Introduction to Biotechnology: The Science, Technology and Medical Applications in PDF. No access codes are included.