
Evidence: A Structured Approach [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 4th Edition

eBook details

  • Author: David P. Leonard, Victor J. Gold, Gary C. Williams
  • File Size: 5 MB, 2 MB
  • File Format: PDF (converted), MOBI (original)
  • Series: Aspen Casebook
  • Length: 912 pages
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer; 4th edition
  • Publication Date: May 25, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01FMLH8J2
  • ISBN-10: 1454863102, 1454889055
  • ISBN-13: 9781454863106, 9781454889052

Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $16.00.

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David P. Leonard

Gary C. Williams

Victor J. Gold

Evidence: A Structured Approach 4th edition (PDF/Mobi) offers a structured and unique approach that facilitates learning and motivates law students to prepare for class. One Federal Rule of Evidence introduces each section, followed by text explaining the rationale, background, and details of the rule. The ebook includes short transcripts that illustrate how the rules are applied in the courtroom and numerous diagrams as visual aids to learning. The authors emphasize the rules over cases but include edited versions of some judicial opinions, including the seminal cases that every attorney or lawyer should know. The heart of the “structured approach” is the Questions for Classroom Discussion, which follows the narrative explanation for each rule. These questions consist of simple hypothetical cases allowing for a step-by-step analysis of each rule. Because law students know what will be the focus of their class discussion, they quickly learn that preparation pays off. The ebook’s website allows the college students to download the questions directly into their notes before class, freeing the students to spend more time thinking and listening while in class.

NOTE: This sale only includes the original ebook Evidence: A Structured Approach 4e in .MOBI format. A converted PDF is also included. (You can use the Calibre open-source and free program to read .mobi ebooks:


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