5 Tools You Need to Know to Write Better in the Modern Age

5 Tools You Need to Know to Write Better in the Modern Age

5 Tools You Need to Know to Write Better in the Modern Age

High-quality and engaging content are the two main factors that can prove you a good writer. You can quickly grab readers’ attention if you are perfect in these two elements.

The problem is that many writers are weak in this field as they don’t know how to enhance the content quality and make it more informative.

They put all their efforts into writing the content and increasing its length without focusing on if the quality of the content is good or not. If you are also facing the same issue and looking to take your writing to the next level, online writing tools can be good assistance.

In this post, you will get a recommendation of top tools to recreating, researching, editing, or improving the text structure.

1.    Paraphrasing Tool

We all know that Google prefers to rank such unique articles that the readers can easily understand.

Therefore, it is pretty essential for you to avoid the plagiarism factor in the lines and maintain the content’s fluency. New writers find this task full of effort as they have to maintain the uniqueness factor in the lines and also keep the flow of the lines correctly.

To reduce the efforts of the writers, here comes the online rephraser tool that can be used to make content writing more engaging and easy to read.

online rephraser tool

If you have written content that is not easy to read, you can rephrase it in this online tool and give it a unique and engaging look.

This AI writing tool goes through each of the lines and understands the primary intent of the essay. The lines that are not easy to read get replaced by the tool. The best thing about this online assistance is that it preserves the meanings of the lines and rephrases them so that the actual intent doesn’t get disturbed.

Moreover, the paraphraser online keeps the lines simple and easy to read. It avoids using challenging vocabulary in the article that could create difficulty for a reader.

2.    Google Scholar

Before you start writing the article, one thing that you have to make sure of is that you have collected a good amount of information on the topic.

The reason is that it will let you increase the authenticity of the lines and reduce the irrelevancy factor in the content.

For this purpose, this online platform can be a big assistance from where you can gather the relevant information on the topic and use it in your content.

Google ScholarAlthough this is not such a forum where you can polish the quality of written content, it can play a vital role in content writing. Let’s say you don’t have enough information on a particular topic, you can go to Google Scholar and browse information on the subject.

Here you will get a bunch of data on a single keyword that can help you gather information and increase the authenticity of the lines.

3.    Online Notepad

If you want to make your content easy to read, you need to write the article properly, making the outlines. You have to add headings and subheadings in the content so that readers don’t have to read lengthy paragraphs.

The online notepad is an amazing addition that you can use to make the outlines of the article so that the content can be written in a proper flow.

Online NotepadYou can get all the necessary features in this online tool that can assist you in highlighting the vital text and making the lines easily readable.

This online writing tool also tells the total word count of the content so you can also focus on the length of the content and cover it within the defined limit.

4.     Grammar Checker

Grammar checker is another fantastic online writing tool that you can use to eliminate punctuation errors from the lines and make it easy to understand.

grammar checkTo enhance the quality of the content, it is important to keep your content free of grammatical mistakes so that the readers don’t face any difficulty reading it.

You can get help from an online punctuation checker and figure out the mistakes you have unintentionally made in the lines. This online tool will underline the text that is creating any disturbance. You can remove those lines from the article and make it more engaging.

This online tool also gives suggestions against the weak links you can replace there and upturn the engagement factor. We also recommend checking the digital textbook Successful College Writing 8th Edition for great tips on taking your writing to the next level.

5.    Google Keyword Planner

In content writing, one thing that you need to make sure of is that the keywords you use in the content must be relevant to the topic.

The reason is that it will help in keeping the readers engaged on the page. So, this online tool will be quite helpful for you in this regard.

You just have to hint about the topic you are going to write about. Google keyword planner will provide you with a long list of keywords you can use in the content.

google keyword plannerThe list you get from this tool will be relevant to the topic and with the highest search ratio.

Because of these amazing features, you can increase the worth of the article and provide the readers with content that is relevant to their search.

Bottom Line

To increase the engagement factor of the content, you need to get help from online writing as they will let you write better.

There is a list of online writing tools that you can use in this regard. They can assist you in improving the readability factor, reducing the irrelevancy factor, and making the content unique.

You must try all these online tools and take your writing skills to the next level.

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