Executive MBA: Pros & Cons You Must Know

Executive MBA: Pros & Cons You Must Know

executive MBAs - pros and cons you must know

An MBA is among the most sought-after postgraduate programs in India and its popularity is increasing every year. Students are recent graduates as well as professional professionals with experience with diverse educational backgrounds and different requirements.

There are two kinds of MBA programs in India to meet these requirements:

The classic two-year MBA course (PGPD) is ideal for students with less or no prior experience.

The Executive MBA is a 1-year program (EMBA) and is ideal for professionals in the workforce with substantial work experience.

The Executive MBA program is focused on the same abilities as a two-year MBA program, but it is designed to aid experienced managers to get an MBA degree without being away from working for long. It can be offered as a full-time or part-time program, or the student could opt for an online MBA option, too. In the last several decades, MBA in distance learning/education has been a huge breakthrough in the world of academic education. To evaluate the full potential of an executive MBA at a personal level it is essential to analyze its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Executive MBA

Career enhancement:

It improves your capabilities and enhances the skills you have already developed in the workplace, and enhances the value of your contribution to an organization.

Cut-offs with lower cut-offs:

To qualify for Executive MBA, lesser marks in GMAT and CAT cannot stop you to get admission.

The freedom of choice:

A lot of people are forced to leave their jobs to pursue a full two-year MBA program. However, most EMBA programs are part-time. This means that you are able to work while you pursue your Executive MBA.

Superior network:

The majority of the information students acquire in business school comes from their peers who are qualified and impart their knowledge to the classroom.

executive MBA in IndiaBetter paycheck post-MBA:

In addition to your impressive academic and work experience, An executive MBA can make you eligible for better financial compensation when you work. To get free textbooks in PDF, check out this comprehensive list: Guide to Downloading Free PDF Textbooks. It will help you save money for MBA as well.

Cons of Executive MBA

Stressful schedules:

Being a full-time worker and also a student on a part-time basis isn’t enough time to engage in other activities. In this case, handling family and personal obligations can become a mess and stress-inducing.

A lesser number of specializations:

Executive MBA isn’t as able to offer the same number of specializations as the full-time 2-year MBA. This means that you will struggle to find an MBA that fits your goals both socially, academically physically, geographically, as well as time-wise. So, compromise is necessary.

Recruitment agencies leaning towards traditional MBA:

Some recruiters would prefer younger more knowledgeable more traditional MBA graduates over professionals who have an executive MBA.

Returning to an academic setting:

Making the transition back to an academic setting after working for a number of years, isn’t easy particularly if you’re taking an all-time executive MBA program.

Both executive and traditional MBAs come with advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, despite its disadvantages, an Executive MBA can be a suitable mid-career choice for professionals as it provides professionals with the needed professional advancement.

Are you thinking about applying to the top executive MBA program? Below are EMBA benefits and drawbacks that will help you decide when, if, and what EMBA program is the right one for you.

It’s not fun to commute:

Being able to stay in the same place while working, and not have to relocate your family is certainly one of the benefits of studying for an EMBA however, having to commute for two whole years whether in the evening or on days off, could be tiring and costly.

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